-Long Live-

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Lauren's POV:

"Too tight?"
I looked down to see Lisa knelt in front of me, perfectly tying the pair of red ice skates on my feet. I smiled at her, she was wearing a gorgeous white, puffy winter jacket and white skinny jeans, making her all white outfit nearly blinding. 
"Just right."

She smiled at me too, blushing slightly with a certain glint in her dazzling, drown eyes, standing up with her ice skates already on and grabbing my hand gently to help stand me up. My legs were wobbly, I'd always wanted to go ice skating but never been, so this was my first time walking on skates and God was it an odd sensation, like stilts almost. Lisa giggled as I gripped onto her arm to keep myself from falling and I gave her a playfully upset glare. 

She merely smirked, enjoying every minute of my "adorable" struggling like any older sister or in this case girlfriend would. We approached the rink and I was surprised to see it empty. It was Christmas Eve though, so I guess families had better things to do then go ice skating. But not me and Lisa, she'd wanted our 1 year anniversary to be perfect, and so she knew JUST the place to take me. 

The ice looked beautiful, solid all the way through with swirling tracks from skates long ago.It was cold outside, freezing even, as tiny snowflakes began to gently fall from the sky and cover us like powdered sugar. Even Lisa's breath looked beautiful, the way it turned into a cold steam the moment it hit the air, wisps of smoke dancing with the snowflakes overhead. The sun was hidden by clouds in the gray colored sky, but somehow it still seemed light, and holding Lisa's hand nearly felt warm. It made me smile, how can a single person make someone so happy?

Lisa stepped out onto the ice first, you'd never have believed this was only her 3rd time ice skating because she looked like a pro. She grabbed both of my hands, intertwining our fingers as I cautiously stepped out onto the rink. I slipped and slid a bit at first, Lisa there to catch me every single time.  I'd fall into her chest and we'd just laugh as her arms enveloped me, her chin resting on the top of my head as we carefully slid across the ice. 

Eventually I'd gotten the hang of it, my skating was nothing compared to Lisa's long, beautiful strides but at least I wasn't falling into her and tripping over my own two feet all the time. We skated together around the rink, her hand in mine as we enjoyed the gorgeous scenery. A blanket of frothy, white snow covered the ground surrounding the rink, making it look as if we were surrounded by clouds. 

It was silent but neither of us seemed to mind, Lisa's thumb cutely rubbing the back of my hand and soothing my thoughts. That was the special thing about me and Lisa's relationship, we could say a million little things to each other without ever having to utter a word. She understood me more than I understood myself it seemed like. To find someone like that and call them your's is such an amazing thing, and I've never felt so lucky and thankful to have someone in my entire life. 

I loved Lisa. I loved everything about her, if I listed them all we'd be spinning around this pond forever. And I knew in my heart of hearts that she loved me too. Isn't that a wonderful thing? To love someone, who loves you too? I couldn't ask for anything more. 

"Wanna dance?"
Lisa asked me, breaking the silence but with a smile wide across her face. I smiled too, God she's gorgeous. I nodded my head, the both of us moving to the center of the rink. Me being taller then her, which she hated me for, I draped my arms around her neck as Lisa's snaked around my waist. She leaned her head against my chest, and I rested mine on top of her's, the snow covering us as if we were a single being.

 We swayed and spun on the ice together, carefully as I was still not the best at skating to no music at all. Every once in a while I'd stumble over my feet and Lisa would laugh, making me blush.
"I love you Lauren."
My face hurt from smiling so largely, I tried biting my lip but it did little to wipe the idiotic smirk off my face. It felt like we were floating on the clouds, butterflies in my stomach lifting us higher and higher. 

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