-It Beats For You-

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Dani's POV:

"God this line is long."
Lisa whined, looking through the crowded line of people in their various Halloween costumes leading up to the haunted house's entrance. Lisa looked good in her catwoman costume I'll give her that, hot even, with the tight leather suit outlining all her curves perfectly. 

But to say all eyes weren't on Lauren that night would've been a lie, because they certainly were, to a ridiculous degree. I mean, I looked and felt pretty hot in my Harley Quinn costume sure, but unlike my sisters I had little to show off. Lauren on the other hand, was showing practically everything. I had to practically BEG her to wear it, to say her Poison Ivy costume was 'revealing' would be the understatement of the century but she looked fucking incredible undoubtedly. 

The way the sparing leaves of her outfit covered her like a bra and underwear, glowing against her tan skin, the vines that wrapped around her toned legs and tight stomach, her wild, messy, wavy mane of brown and caramel hair, her smokey green eye makeup, God underneath this moonlight she couldn't have looked any fucking hotter. 

Judging by the cacophony of whistles and catcalls from horny teen guys she received everywhere we went others agreed as well. It was frustrating, I could tell Lauren was uncomfortable with the attention, and understandably so considering some of the vulgar things people had said that night. I nearly felt bad for talking her into wearing the costume, I should've known people would be immature. Couldn't I just write "MY GIRLFRIEND" across her forehead with permanent marker in bold letters and make out with her every 5 seconds until people got the hint that she was TAKEN?

"Well we don't have to go."
Lauren said quickly in response to Lisa, it was obvious to me and Lisa both that she didn't really want to go into the haunted house but was a much too prideful 17 year old to admit she was scared. I pecked her on the cheek sweetly, deciding to do the right thing and forget this dumb haunted house for my girlfriend's sake. I didn't want Lauren to ever feel like she had to do something if she didn't want to. 

"Why don't you just go Lisa, I'm not really feeling up to it either I'm gonna go with Lauren and look for Amy or just head back to the house and chill I think."
Lisa gave me a knowing look, one of her lame little smirks on her face as she looks at Lauren and I. I rolled my eyes as she winked dramatically, earning a laugh from Lauren. 
"SUUUUURE you guys are, just, if your gonna fuck PLEASE don't do it on my bed. Got it?"

I punched Lisa who's now cackling playfully in the arm, smiling at Lauren as she blushes. I take Lauren's hand in mine, intertwining our crooked fingers together as we begin weaving through the crowds of dressed up families. 
"I'm sorry I didn't want to go into that haunted house Dan, I know you wanted to."
Lauren says, looking down as I drag her along beside me through the hordes of people. 
"Don't apologize babes, I'd MUCH rather spend time with you, besides me and you get some quality alone time at home now."

Lauren smiled, I stop walking and pull her close to me now that we're less crowded, cupping her cheek and kissing those beautiful lips of hers. I pulled away reluctantly, smiling widely at the sheen of red flushed across her cheeks. You'd think after a year and 2 months of dating she'd be less adorably shy around me, but she isn't and I'll be the first to admit I love it. My heart beats rapidly in my chest just at the sight of her, I'd never known someone more gorgeous. We began walking again, hand in hand down the sidewalk when a red jeep pulls up and begins driving slowly beside us. 

I glanced over at the vehicle just as the driver's side window closest to us opens to reveal a slightly wasted fratt boy and maybe 5 or more of his dumb fuck-boy friends all piled into his trashy jeep. 
Laughter and obnoxious whistling erupted from the car, the radio blasting loudly in the background. Lauren's face turned red since me and her both knew they were talking to her. She looked down, letting her hair cover her face embarrassingly as my blood begins to boil. 

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