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Dani's POV:

"Look Dan, that one looks like a butterfly."
Lauren says, snuggling deeper into my chest and extending the arm that isn't tucked beneath her to the blue sky, pointing at the supposedly butterfly-shaped cloud. I laugh, wrapping my arm tighter around her shoulders in an attempt at pulling her even closer. Her musky cologne fills my nostrils and I smile, playing with pieces of her hair that are fanned out across my chest like rays of sun. 

The grass tickles my bare legs as the soft spring air blows freely, god was it a beautiful day, but not nearly as beautiful as the girl I was lucky enough to be holding in my arms. I squint as rays of sunshine peak through the white, puffy clouds overhead, parading across the clear, blue sky.
"Pft are you kidding? That's a bunny not a butterfly, no doubt about it."

Lauren sits up on her elbow, looking at me with raised eyebrows. It makes me laugh, and the grass that's caught in her wind-blown, tangled hair doesn't help. 
"Are you blind?"
I continue to laugh, laying down on my back and gulping down the brisk spring air.
"Well I can see well enough to know you've got leaves and grass tangled in your hair making you look like a complete lunatic."

Lauren blushes, her tan skin flushing a deep red as she hurriedly combs the debris from her hair with her beautifully crooked fingers. She punches me playfully in the arm as I cackle, getting up and sitting on top of me with her smooth legs straddled around my waist. Mid-laugh Lauren leans down, crashing her plush lips into mine and cutting me off. I'm taken by surprise at first but I soon melt into her arms, embracing and smiling through her gentle kiss. She pulls away, the both of us smiling. She rubs up and down my bare arms with her hands, sending shivers down my spine.

"You're a jerk. But you're my jerk and I love you."
I can't help but smile like an idiot, taking one of the hands that's rested on my arm and intertwining our fingers. My hand looks perfect when it's being held in her's, it just feels so right. 
"You're awfully lucky I love you too."
I look up at her, admiring how gorgeous her brown eyes look as they glimmer in the sunlight. 
"Oh please, YOU'RE the lucky one. Gosh Dan, can you believe we've been dating for 4 whole months?"

Lauren lays down from her sitting position on top of me so her chest is pressed against me, her forehead now resting against mine so I can feel her warm, sweet smelling breathe on my lips when she speaks. 
"It's been the best 4 months of my life."
Lauren groans, hitting me in the arm again. I shout at her, pretending to be hurt when in reality me and Lauren both know she couldn't even hurt a fly.

"What was that for!?"
"For being cheesy and cute."
"Well sheesh, didn't know it was a crime to be nice to my girl friend."
"Well it is, so quit it."
I roll my eyes at her and she smirks, pecking me on the lips again before rolling to the left off of me and snuggling back into my side. I run my fingers through her hair as we continue to look up at the sky together, a comfortable silence surrounding us once again. 

"I wish this day could last forever."
Lauren says softly, speaking to herself more then to me. I watch as she carefully picks a daisy from the dancing blades of grass beside her. She holds the flower as delicate as her up to her nose, breathing in it's sweet scent and fondling the petals cautiously. She notices me staring at her and looks up at me, meeting my eyes as green as the grass and blushing. She reaches up and moves a piece of red hair from my face, tucking it behind my ear along with the small, precious flower she'd picked.
"You're beautiful, ya know."

I smile widely at her, feeling the heat radiate from my freckled cheeks.
"You're not so bad yourself."
Her lips form a soft smile too, a small, sweet, thoughtful smile that only my Lauren, my Sugar, could make. The silence returns once more, the flower now tucked gently behind my ear tickles my face with it's dainty petals as the breeze passes by. I close my eyes, admiring how nice the sunshine feels against my bare skin, like I'm submerged in a vat of warm honey. 

"Do we have to go home?"
Lauren asks me, her voice quiet, almost nervous. I thought she was joking at first but I guess not, I pondered over her question before realizing how ridiculous it seemed to even consider the idea.
"Of course we have to go home Laur."
"I hate pretending like we're nothing more than sisters. I hate the lying, the sneaking around, the hiding. I want to stay here on top of this hill, your arms wrapped around me and your lips pressed against mine, forever."

I sighed, opening my eyes and looking down at her to see she was already looking up at me. 
"Me too Sugar, so badly, but, we can't and you know it."
Lauren looks down, ripping her eyes away from mine and playing with the blades of swaying grass sprouting from the ground beside her.
"Why can't we just tell them then."
I thought about her question, I thought about this question a lot myself, and the easy answer was that I was a coward. 

"What if they react badly."
"They might not."
"Doesn't mean they won't."
There was a pause, the only sounds being the soft buzzing of nearby honey bees as they harvested their nectar from the patch of nearby daisies. 

"Are you ashamed of me?"
Lauren's voice is small, a whimper that blurs with the sounds of nature but I hear it and immediately I'm sitting up, alarmed at the idea of her thinking I'm ashamed to be her girlfriend.
"Laur oh my gosh no!"
I grab her hands, watching as tears gather in her brown eyes like billowing storm clouds, it breaks my heart and tears it to shreds. 

"Lauren, I LOVE YOU. With everything in me, I love you. You're mine and I couldn't be any happier to say that, you are beautiful and amazing and the most incredible human being I know and the fact that I have the privileged of calling you my girl friend makes me smile every fucking day. I am NOT ashamed of you, and I never, ever will be."
I rub the backs of her hands with my thumbs, my chest tightening as a single tear escapes her glossy, doe eyes and rolls down her cheek. 

I let go of one of her hands, leaning forward and brushing away the tear from her cheek with the pad of my thumb. I move in and tilt her chin upwards, connecting my lips with her's in one swift motion. I pull away, smiling kindly at her which she reciprocates. I take her other hand back in mine, giving both her palms a reassuring squeeze. 

"We should tell them."
She looks at me skeptically, her eyebrows scrunched up. I swallow hard and nod my head, making it clear that my mind had been made.
"We don't have to."
"No. I don't want you thinking I'm ashamed to be your girlfriend, I love being with you Lauren and it's about time everyone know that. I want them to KNOW you're mine, and no one else's. I'm being a coward. I'm afraid to tell them, true, but, it's what we need to do."

She smiles cutely, biting the inside of her cheek in an attempt at containing the wide grin.
"You're positive?"
"Positive. And you know what else I'm positive of?"
"I love you."

Lauren rolls her eyes but I can hear the hint of a laugh in her voice when she talks, chastising me for being cheesy and playfully punching me once again in the arm. It makes me laugh, God she's the cutest. Lauren tackles me to the ground, me laughing hysterically and her giggling as she plops down beside me and buries her head into the crook of my neck. 

"What am I going to do with you Danielle?"
She asks, her voice muffled beneath my hair.
"Hmmm how about...lay here with me for another hour before the sky fades to pastel purples and soft, baby pinks, the whole while snuggling up against me and making me smile every 10 seconds with your unreasonably cute essence and every once in a while kissing me to satisfy the crazing my lips have for your's?"

She looks up from my neck, her hair slightly jostled in the cutest way from our cuddling and small humidity curls playing at the nape of her neck. The both of us with cheeky smiles spread across our faces and a slight blush painting our cheeks rose colored. She bites her lip, making a flock of butterflies flap wildly in my stomach, pressing against my rib cage and longing to be closer to Lauren. She giggles devilishly, seeing my reaction to her lip-biting and loving every second of it before she speaks. 
"You read my mind."

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