The Vampire ( Sasha )

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Name: Sasha Schevkov
Species: Vampire
Age: 16 ( newly initiated )
Zodiac: Aries ♈
Nationality: American-Russian
- overall friendly
- protective
- kind of a smart ass

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Finally... Your first day at Night School! You were worried that you wouldn't fit in at the monster exclusive highschool that was hidden in a dark forest, but so far everyone seemed fairly nice. When you walked up the front steps, a pack of werewolf kids glared at you, for whatever reason... Probably because of the so called "feud" between your race and there's.

You were a vampire, recently bitten. Your parents immediately thought the worst, and that it was the end of the world, but really you weren't too inconvenienced. You just had to adjust to this new life as a night dweller.

You approached your locker, and immediately you felt a presence behind you. You turned, nearly jumping out of your skin when you saw a black and blue haired boy hanging upside down from the ceiling... Nearly three inches in front of your face, almost nose to nose.

"Oh my god!" you gasped, crashing into your locker as you attempted to jump back.

The guy laughed, jumping down from the ceiling and giving you a cheeky grin, his prominent fangs revealing that he, too, was a vampire.  "Sorry, I just couldn't resist."

His smile was contagious, and you found yourself smiling bashfully, as the guy was also very attractive. "It's okay, I imagine I'm an easy target."

He chuckled. "I'm Sasha, by the way."

"(Y/N)," you replied, looking at him curiously. "You know, you're the first vampire I've seen here, other than myself."

"Really? Huh, strange. There are others, but they mainly keep to themselves." Sasha explained. "There's a coven here too, I'm sure you can join if you'd like."

"A coven? Are you apart of it?"

"Nah, they're a little too strict for my likings... All about being rude to the other kids here because they think they're so superior." Sasha rolled his eyes.

"Oh, that sucks..." you pouted, then blinked. "No pun intended."

Sasha snorted. "You're funny. Do you wanna have lunch with me later?"

"I'd love to!" you smiled warmly at him, then nudged him with your elbow. "Hey, maybe we can start our own coven."

"Heh, there's a thought." he smirked.

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