The Mermaid ( P. 2 )

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Miguel was certainly a character, but he was a little hard to keep up with in terms of personality. One minute he was a happy go lucky guy, the next he was seething with rage because a teacher pissed him off. But something about it was really appealing, his hot headed, stubborn attitude. You didn't know why you were so flustered, seeing him like that, until the day he basically explained it to you.

You were both at the swim club meeting, you had been sitting next to Miguel on the bench with your teammates. Your swim instructor was giving you the rundown of pool safety; no swimming closer than three feet to someone, no controlling anyone's mind with siren powers, no calling any sharks to attack anyone, and no running.

"Today, we'll be swimming relay. That means you'll be split into teams of two." the instructor said, pulling out a clipboard and reading off the names. "Miguel and (Y/N)."

Miguel nudged you with his elbow, and you smirked, elbowing him back. After everyone else had been paired up with their partners, you and Miguel got ready on the pedestal. You went first, since Miguel was a faster swimmer that you and he would take the last lap, since it was the bulk of the relay race.

"Ready?" Miguel asked, smiling up at your form on the pedestal with admiration in his eyes.

You high fived him. "Ready as I'll ever be."

You took your stance as Miguel backed off, and the instructor blew the whistle. You dove into the water, your (f/c) tail propelling you forward and your gills allowing you to breathe. You made it to the end and swam back to the pedestal, Miguel diving in the second you touched the concrete. You climbed out of the pool, gasping as your gills disappeared and you breathed pure oxygen. You turned around just in time to see Miguel win the relay race, grinning ear to ear.

The instructor blew her whistle. "Great job, you two! Alright everyone, class dismissed. Everyone hit the showers."

You hugged Miguel when he stepped out of the pool, squealing happily. "That was awesome!"

"Totally." he laughed, patting your back. "Meet me in the hall?"

"Of course!" you said, grabbing your gym bag and running for the girls' locker room.

After you had showered and dried off, you headed into the hallway to see Miguel wasn't there yet. You hummed, leaning against the wall as you waited for him to come out. Five minutes later, Miguel steamed by you, practically simmering with rage.

Your brow furrowed in concern as you ran to catch up with him. "Miguel? Is something wrong?"

"Nothing." he grumbled, walking out the front doors. "C'mon, I want to talk to you."

"Oh, okay." you said, unsure of what was in store for you do something wrong? Was he angry with you? You heart was pounding in your chest from anxiety as he led you to the cafeteria, where some last students were hanging out before going home.

You both sat down where you could talk in peace, and Miguel immediately hit you with a question.

"(Y/N), I need to know... Please tell me Victor didn't ask you out..." he said worriedly.

You had never blinked so many times in one millisecond. "Who told you that?"

"The guys in the locker room... They were talking about how Victor kept boasting about how you were his girlfriend and whatnot..." he bit his lip, deep concern in his eyes. "It can't be true, right?"

"No! Victor is an asshole!" you replied, flabbergasted. "Why would he say that to everyone?"

"Well... I kind of told the guys on the swim team that I uh..." he swallowed deeply. "I have a crush on you."

Your eyes went wide, and your face red. "You do...?"

"Yeah... And I guess Victor got jealous, and he start some rumors or something..." he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I don't care about that anymore." you shook your head, reaching out and taking his hand. He looked at your hand in his, then up at you, your eyes full of sincerity. "I didn't know you had a crush on me..."

"Well... Heh..." he blushed, smiling sheepishly. He laced his fingers with yours. "So... Will you be my girlfriend, before Victor actually asks?"

You giggled, nodding your head. "Of course I will."

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