The Merman ( Miguel )

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Name: Miguel DiVanno
Age: 18
Species: Merman
Zodiac: Aquarius ♒
Nationality: Spanish
- aloof
- really active, but also a big procrastinator
- grumpy easily

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The instant you walked through the doors of Night School, you immediately decided to join swim club. Being a mermaid, you were naturally excited to jump right into the pool, especially since you hated walking around on human legs...

When you entered the pool area, you were immediately splashed with water from someone diving in the pool. You gasped, the slapping of someone's feet on the tile floor coming over to you.

"Oh, god, I'm so sorry!" the guy said, an apologetic smile on his face.

You giggled, wiping the water away from your eyes. "It's okay, I don't mind."

Now that you saw the guy properly, you realized he was extremely gorgeous, like somebody straight out of a pirate romance novel! You blushed when you saw that he was shirtless, too, and you were wearing a two piece, your legs, stomach, and arms completely bare to him.

"I'm Miguel, by the way," he said, smiling.

"Um, I'm (Y-Y/N)..." you said shyly, smiling down at your feet. "Are you a merfolk too?"

"I am!" he said, nodding with a grin. "I assume that's why you joined swim club?"

You shrugged, trying not to stare at his abs. "More or less."

He laughed, gesturing for you to follow. "Well don't be shy! C'mon, the water's nice."

You watched as he dived in, his legs turning into a fish tail the color of a sunset. He resurfaced, shaking his long hair and grinning at you encouragingly. You sighed, setting down your things and diving in after him. Your gills quickly grew, followed by your (f/c) tail and webbed hands. Miguel joined you under water, gesturing for you to follow. You nodded, swimming behind him as he led you towards an underwater class, which had all manner of sea creatures gathered together.

Your eyes lit up in amazement, your voice slightly garbled as you spoke. "Wow! How deep is this pool?"

Miguel laughed, bubbled escaping to the surface from his mouth. "C'mon, class is about to start."

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