The Dullahan ( Dan )

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Name: Dan Cean
Age: 18
Species: Dullahan
Zodiac: Capricorn ♑
Nationality: Irish
- stubborn
- hot headed
- blunt, doesn't hold back his thoughts

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Your first day at Night School was so embarrassing... But there was something gained from it, at least! You had just walked through the doors, not noticing the guy walking on the other side, and whapped him right in the head with the door. You gasped loudly, something the weight of a bowling ball falling into your hands. You grunted, struggling to hold up the heavy item as you looked down at it to see what it was.

It was... A boy's head. To be clear, the guy's - of whom you had attacked with a door, good job you - head. Nearby, his decapitated body stumbled around awkwardly, feeling the stump of its neck, which wasn't bleeding, but was just a black hole. Your eyes widened as you looked down at the guy's head, his eyes glaring at you grumpily.

"Thank ye' fer making sure my head properly removes," he grumbled in an Irish accent, his cheeks smushed together from the way you were holding him. "Can ye' put it back now?"

"... U-Um, yeah, s-sorry." you said, blushing embarrassment as you walked over to the guy's body, which was still feeling around for its head on its own. The body's hands touched your arms, making you gasp, the body retracting quickly as if it had been shocked. You lifted up the guy's head, placing it back on the empty stump.

With the guy's head properly placed on his body, he looked down at you with a scolding look. "Didn't anyone tell ye' to watch where yer' goin', lassie?"

"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to..." you mumbled, then looked up at him curiously. "So what exactly... Are you?"

The guy scoffed, crossing his arms across his chest. "Ye' mean who am I. I'm Dan, lass, and I'm a Dullahan."

"Ah..." you nodded, still confused.

"The headless horseman?" he rolled his eyes.

"Oh!" you said, your eyes lighting up in recognition.

Dan sighed, shaking his head. "Ye' won't last long here, I can tell already."

"H-Hey! I'm new, go easy on me!" you said, frowning at him.

"Yer' the one who attacked me with a door, lass." he pointed out with an amused smirk.

"That was an accident!" you whined, clearly frustrated. Dan laughed, making you roll your eyes. "Now you're just messing with me..."

"Ah, lighten up, lass, I'm just teasin'," he chuckled, smiling down at you slightly. "Maybe I can take ye' out to lunch later, eh?"

Your face nearly went red at the suggestion, your eyes going wide. "L-Lunch?"

"Yeah, just lunch." he said, then looked up at the clock. "Anyways, I gotta go to work. Good luck to ye', lassie."

Then, you watched him walk out the door. From the window, you could see him whistle into his fingers, which summoned a seemingly sentient motorcycle that rolled up to the side walk. Dan mounted the bike, placing a helmet on his head, and revved off into the night, leaving you swooning.

"Wow..." you sighed.

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