The Vampire ( P. 3 )

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A/N: Finally part two is all over! Now it's part three, the magical first kiss ❤

Having a vampire boyfriend is by far the best thing ever, you two did everything together. Everything, except for, well... Kissing. It's not like Sasha doesn't want to kiss you, he's just afraid he'll hurt you. Something about accidentally grazing you with his fangs and then he goes crazy and tries to drain you. But that could never happen, vampires are immune to each other's blood.

However, you could see how badly Sasha wanted to kiss you, the way he stared at your lips longingly, his tongue running through the seam of his mouth as if he were starving for your affection. This was one such occasion, when you were sitting outside after lunch. You had grown accustomed to his staring, and you could tell when he was looking at you, like a sixth sense.

When you turned your gaze to him, however, he instantly looked away, a hint of red on his pale cheeks. You sighed, giving him a serious look. "Alright, what's up?"

"Huh?" he said dumbly, looking back at you as if nothing were wrong.

"You're staring at me again. Do you want something from me, is that it?" you asked, quirking a brow.

"Well... Actually yeah." he said, looking really bashful. "But... I don't want to hurt you."

You shook your head, cupping his cheek and making him look you in the eye. He has such pretty eyes, whereas other vampires have dull, dead looking eyes, Sasha's are full of life, like a blue sky on a clear, cloudless day. You leaned forward, pressing your lips against his gently, just to start things out. But just that gentle, chaste kiss was so magical, it made fireworks shoot up in your stomach.

Once he realized nothing was happening, Sasha leaned more into the kiss, tilting his head sideways and pressing his tongue into your lips. You got the message, and opened your mouth, allowing him to enter the warm, hot cavern. He tasted like copper and sugar, from the sparkling blood he had drank earlier (carbonated blood, like cola but more metallic). Coupled with his musky smell, it made you feel safe and secure, your arms wrapping around his neck while his encircled your waist.

His warm hands squeezed your hips, making you moan slightly, which seemed to excite him and he began to kiss you with more gusto, eager to please you even more.

"Ew, the half bloods are making out!"

You both snapped away from each other and looked up to see the pure blood vampire coven laughing at the two of you. You rolled your eyes, taking Sasha's hand and taking him away, his eyes filled with hate as he glared at the gaggle before following close behind.

"Sorry about that... I didn't know they would ruin out first kiss..." Sasha said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sasha, I don't care about that." you said, taking his hands after stopping and gazing into his eyes with a reassuring smile. "We could be covered in sewage after loosing our limbs in the pouring rain, and our first kiss would still be magical."

Sasha smiled, leaning forward and pecking your lips. "You're too sweet."

You giggled, leaning up for another make out session, this time with no interruptions.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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