The Extraterrestrial ( P. 2 )

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A/N: So sorry for being gone for a billion years!! Anyways, I'm back with a new chapter! I figured since it's nearly Halloween I better get into the spirit and write a new part, so here we go!

BTW, can you find the Rick and Morty reference? 😏


After you'd met Dominic, he simply wouldn't leave you alone, it's like he had nothing better to do! However, you began to grow accustomed to it, and even made an effort to befriend him, since he seemed to be the only person at the school who was interested in speaking with you.

You learned that he was an alien - which he could've told you in the first place, it's not like it would've killed you or anything - from a planet way out of the milky way. He was on earth studying the inhabitants, for a class project back on his home planet, so basically it was like his class trip. He had really liked it on earth, so his teachers let him continue his studies at Night School, where he'd be safer.

You eventually began to open up to Dominic, and came to find that even though he's an annoying shit, he's very sweet and caring. Not to mention how curious he is about you... You've caught him staring at you in fascination multiple times, but when you make eye contact he quickly looks away. It confused you, so finally one day you snapped.

"Alright, what's eating you?" you asked, frowning at him as you walked next to him to class.

"Hm? What do you mean?" he blinked, turning his head to look at you.

"You've been staring at me like that for god knows how long. What's the matter? Am I growing a third eye or something?"

"First of all, there is no god. Better rip that bandaid off now. Second, I just..." he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I've just been feeling... Strange about you lately."

This piqued your interest. "Strange? How so?"

"Well, whenever I look at you... My chest cavity gets all tight, then my sensors go haywire and all I can think about is you." he said, seemingly frustrated.

Your whole world seemed to freeze in place as all the puzzle pieces came together. You touched his hand, making him flinch, his eyes snapping down to look at you, and seeing a warm smile on your face.

"Dominic... You like me." you said, doing your best to hold back your giggles.

"Huh? Of course I like you, you're my best friend." he said cluelessly.

"No, I mean like... You like like me." you explained, hoping he would get it.

He didn't, he just stared at you blankly. You sighed, reaching up and kissing his cheek lightly. You watched in amusement as a healthy green color sprouted across his cheeks (his blood is green), his eyes wide in wonder as he gently touched the place you kissed him.

"What... What was that?" he asked.

"That was love." you said.

"Love..." he hummed, smiling down at you. "I like it."

Then, a lightbulb seemed to go off in his head.

"Oh! So you want to court me!" he said, as if he had had a break through.

"Actually... You were the one who wanted to court me, but... Yes." you said with an eye roll.

"Well why didn't you say so!" he laughed. "Let's see... How do you earthlings say it... Oh, right! (Y/N)?"

"Yes, Dominic?" you asked expectantly.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, taking your hand in his.

You finally burst, hugging Dominic tightly and giggling. "Of course!"

Dominic grinned like and idiot and hugged you back tightly.

EDIT: Dunno why it unpublished itself... Anyways, back to our regularly scheduled program!

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