The Mummy ( Ramses )

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( Pic from someone on tumblr... I can't remember who they are tho ah!! )

Name: (Prince) Ramses Amun
Age: 18?
Zodiac: Scorpio ♏
Nationality: Egyptian
- a little stuck up
- thinks the world revolves around him
- arrogant

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On your first day of Night School, you had been walking down the hallway, heading to one of your classes. You had had a fairly normal day, until you heard a cacophony of horrified screams, several monster kids trampling over one another to run away as they stampeded down the hallway.

You raised a brow in confusion, looking down the hallway to try and see what the kids were running from. Suddenly, a large, skeletal jackal with bits of rotten skin and old, tattered bandages hanging from its boney body galloped into view. It was salivating ravenously, even though is didn't seem to have any sort of stomach or throat. Its eyes hit you, letting out a guttural growl that sent a chill through your spine.

Before it could prowl any closer to you, a teacher stepped out and cast a spell on the jackal, making it crumble into a pile of bones.

"Ramses Amun III!" shouted the teacher in a furious, booming voice.

A boy in very fancy gold, white and blue clothes that looked to be made out of expensive fabrics stepped into the hallway, looking around with his gold eyeliner covered eyes. He spotted the crumbled pile of undead jackal and scoffed.

"Obviously I need to work on my resurrection skills, it should've lasted longer." he said, as if unconcerned that he didn't almost kill somebody.

"No, Ramses, I dismantled it." the teacher said sternly, crossing her arms with a frown.

"Why?" Ramses demanded, glaring at the teacher angrily.

"Because it was dangerous." the teacher replied, raising her voice. "Your father sent you to this school to learn, not to cause chaos. Now, you are to report to the office immediately, or I will have to force you."

"Hmph, fine." he huffed, his piercing gaze coming into contact with you as he walked by. You felt yourself tense up and look away, your face going red for whatever reason. Suddenly, Ramses stopped and whirled on the teacher. "Just know, my father will be hearing about this!"

"Yes yes. Go." the teacher pointed at the office.

You eventually found the courage to look up, only to see that he had glanced at you before he disappeared down the hallway.


Later, when you opened your locker, something fell out. You caught it before it hit the ground, and saw it was a golden ankh necklace, with an inscription you couldn't read etched in the back. You raised a brow, looking around the hallway for anyone who might walk over and claim it was there's, but everyone simply walked by, ignoring you.

Then, you spotted a familiar someone standing nearby... Ramses, who once you saw him, pushed off the wall he had been leaning against and walked away.

You worriedly looked down at the necklace, hoping you hadn't just accepted a cursed artifact...

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