The Witch ( P. 2 )

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Despite Alesandro being the shyest boy you knew, he seemed to open up to you. At first, though...

Then, suddenly he closed himself off and every time he saw you, he blanched and ran the other direction. It was really hurting your feelings. Did he not like you anymore? Did you do or say something wrong?

One day you had finally had enough when you were going to ask Al what was wrong, but he made a break for it the second he caught sight of you. He had been talking to Sasha, his vampire friend, who raised a brow and looked over at you.

"What was that about?" Sasha asked in confusion. "One second he was cool, just talking, then he saw you and hauled ass like you were going to kill him."

You sighed, wrapping your arms around your textbooks tightly with a pout. "I don't know, Sash... He wasn't like this before... Does he not like me anymore or something?"

The blue haired vampire gave you a weird look. "Al? Not liking you? I doubt it."

You tilted your head at him curiously. "What do you mean?"

"He can't not like you, (Y/N), he talks about you, like," the vampire rolled his eyes. "All the time."

The information registered in your brain, and you blushed bashfully. "R-Really?"

"Oh yeah." he said, smirking. "Just know that Al is really sensitive... He doesn't know how to deal with a crush. Go easy on him, okay?"

"I-I will..." you said, nodding, walking down the hallway in the direction Al ran. "Thanks, Sasha, you're the best!"

"I know." Sasha said boastfully.


You finally found Al reading under a tree, but he saw you and began to run. You gasped, dropping all your things and running after him. However, you couldn't keep up, and instead used your magic to make a root sprout from the ground and trip him. Al grunted as he tumbled to the ground, his eyes going wide as he saw you hovering over him with a scolding expression on your face.

"I-I-I, u-um..." Al stuttered nervously.

"Why do you keep running from me?" you demanded, a hurt look on your face. "It really hurts my feelings... Did I do something wrong?"

"N-No, (Y/N), of course not!" Al said insistently, scrambling to his feet. "I-I just... I... I really like you, (Y/N)... And I don't know how to... H-How to..."

Suddenly, his lip began to quiver and he started to tear up. Your heart shattered and you ran forward, hugging him tightly.

"Oh, Al, I'm sorry! Don't cry!" you said, rubbing his back comfortingly.

"I-I just - I probably hurt you really b-b-bad 'c-'cause I-I d-didn't k-k-know how y-you w-would react a-and..." he sobbed into your shoulder, staining your shirt with his tears as he gripped tightly into the fabric for security.

"Shh, shh," you whispered. "It's alright, I'm not upset. There's no need to cry."

"I-I'm sorry if... If I ruined our friendship..." he said pitifully, sniffling

You pulled away, holding him at an arm's distance so you could look at him. "Who said I don't feel the same?"

"Wh-What?" Al blinked his red, puffy eyes in confusion.

You chuckled, leaning forward and kissing his cheek. "I like you too, you big baby."

Al blushed. "Y-You do?"

"I do."

Al was silent, then he giggled while crying and hugged you tightly, making you roll your eyes with a smile.

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