The Werewolf ( Ryan )

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Name: Ryan Wolff
Age: 17
Species: Werewolf
Zodiac: Taurus ♉
Nationality: American
- kind of territorial
- gets jealous easily
- over protective

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Your first day at Night School could've gone better... You had grown up sheltered in a pack all your life, and were mainly homeschooled up until then. So running into a coven of vampires in the hallway was NOT what you had in mind for your first day of school.

"Hey, mutt!" the lead vampire called, snarling at you. "Hey, I'm talking to you!"

You cursed your luck for having your locker be nearby. You tried to ignore them, though, and unlocked your locker with shaking hands. Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder, your back getting slammed into your locker roughly as the strong vampire whirled you around.

"You'd best pay attention next time, mutt!" he hissed. "Last thing we need is another ornery dog around here."

"Hey!" barked a loud voice. Suddenly, a boy with brown hair and glasses roughly shoved the vampire away, baring his teeth threateningly. You breathed a sigh of relief when you smelled the comforting scent of another werewolf, relaxing from your tensed up state as the vampires all scattered.

The guy sighed, turning to you with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Victor is kind of a jerk. He thinks he's the king of this school just because he's student body president."

"It's okay, thanks for helping out. I'm an omega back in my pack... I'm not used to having to protect myself." you said, smiling sadly. "Anyways, I'm (Y/N)."

"I'm Ryan," the guy said, smiling back. "If you want, I can walk you to class."

"Um... If you don't mind?" you asked timidly.

"Not at all." he said, gesturing for you to follow.

You were relieved, because obviously this guy radiated power. An alpha, perhaps? Whatever he was, he was of royal blood, and you could smell it. That meant as an omega, you instantly clung to him for protection, just like in your pack. You hoped that the submissive attitude wouldn't last long. You were determined to help yourself, and no longer rely on a bigger werewolf to protect you. But for now, since you were new to the school, you made an exception.

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