The Witch ( Alesandro )

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Name: Alesandro Abidelli
Age: 17
Species: Human Witch
Zodiac: Virgo ♍
Nationality: Native American
- tenderhearted
- clumsy
- shy around strangers

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You were the epitome of all that is unlucky in the world. You were the human equivalent of a splinter. And now here you were, going to Night School to further study how to become a proper witch. Your mother insisted that you go, no matter how "cursed" you were.

And right off the bat, a paper from your backpack slid onto the floor, making you slip over it and fall, all of your things going everywhere. A coven of vampires nearby laughed at you, the other kids just walking by like nothing happened.

You sighed, beginning to gather up your things, when a caramel brown hand shot out and began helping you. You looked up at the boy, who smiled at you as he gathered your books up.

"Th-Thanks." you said, blushing slightly as you took your things from his arms and placing them back in your bag.

"No problem..." the guy said, scratching the back of his neck shyly. "Um, I'm Alesandro, but my friends call me Al."

You smiled bashfully. "Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N)."

His blue eyes sparkled as he helped you to your feet. You couldn't tell what species he was, but you could feel the magicka radiating off of him like static electricity.

"Are you a witch? Like me?" you asked hopefully.

"Y-Yeah! I am!" he said, his eyes lighting up happily.

"I thought so," you said proudly.

"Yeah, most of the witches here are either really stuck up and rude, or they keep to themselves." he said with a sigh, then smiled at you. "But I'm glad you're here. What element do you focus on?"

"Mm, earth magicka mostly, but also spiritual energy because my mom was really into that and taught me most of it." you said, rocking on the balls of your feet enthusiastically. "You?"

"I do earth magicka too, but also fire spells," he said, standing a little taller and he boasted about his knowledge. "I thought about trying water - "

"Oh my god, literally just shut up." a vampire nearby groaned. You hadn't noticed the coven was still standing there until one spoke. "Hearing you two nerds drawl on and on is so annoying..."

The coven cackled in agreement, making you cringe and look away in shame. Al glared at them, his wrist flicking as he set the trash can one of the vampires was leaning against on fire. The vampire shrieked, jumping out of the way just in time before she could catch aflame.

You gasped, holding back your laughter as Al grabbed your wrist and took off before a teacher could catch you both.

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