The Dullahan ( P. 2 )

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Dan was such a fascinating person to be around. Even though he was a smart ass, he had a lot of ideas and things to talk about. He was a good listener, too, he never interrupted you when you were talking.

He was a better friend than you originally anticipated, and you slowly became attracted to him. Of course you wanted to tell him, he was single, as far as you knew, and he seemed to really care about you... Well that's what it seemed like, maybe he was just being nice.

Oh well. What did you have to lose?

Dan rolled up to the curb on his motorcycle, where you were standing. He handed you a helmet when you walked over, and you put it on your head, mounting the bike behind him. You wrapped your arms around his waist, gripping the black leather of his jacket.

"Where to, lass?" he asked, his voice slightly muffled through his helmet.

"Anywhere private." you replied, holding on tightly when the bike began to rumble down the road.

Dan took you to your favorite hang out spot; essentially just an abandoned building. You walked upstairs, where the two of you had dusted off a couch and had some blankets and things hanging around. You set down your bag and sat on the couch, Dan discarded his helmet and flopping down next to you, leaning his head hack with a tired sigh.

"I'm exhausted." he groaned, slinging his arm over the back of the couch and looking at you. "But anyways, what'd ye wanna talk about, love?"

"Well..." you said shyly. "You've been my best friend since I moved here, and we're pretty close..."

"Mhm?" he hummed, urging you to continue now that you had interested him.

"I... I wanna be more than, friends, though..." you blushed, brushing some hair behind your ear. "I-I really like you, Dan... A lot."

Dan was quiet for a long time, you didn't dare look at him. Then, he hooked his finger under your chin and forced you to look at him. He was... Smiling. Genuinely. Like, not a smirk or anything like that. It was a real, even loving smile. And it was directed at you. Your heart was pounding in your chest, a million thoughts running through your head at once.

"Well, love, I guess I finally get t'call ye my girlfriend." he said, brushing a hand through your hair lovingly.

Your eyes lit up excitedly and you hugged him, giggling.

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