The Werewolf ( P. 2 )

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Even after you promised yourself you'd start protecting yourself, Ryan just wouldn't leave you be. You were more comfortable in the new school, and after being associated with the pack of werewolf kids, you were easily able to go to and from your classes without worrying about being jumped by the vampire coven.

Still, Ryan seemed really protective over you, like a big brother or... Dare you say it... Mate. Ugh, yeah, you weren't into commitment, but Ryan... Ryan was different. He really did change something in you, it made you feel good inside. Finally you realized what you were feeling, and that you had a crush on the werewolf.

You should've seen it coming, really, but you didn't. You had to say something to Ryan though, the tension was eating at you.

"Hey pup," Ryan said, using his pet name on you as you approached. He ruffled up your hair. "Got any plans today?"

"A-Actually... I wanted to talk to you about something." you said, looking left and right in the hallway. "Wanna skip class?"

"Y-Yeah... Sure?" he said unsurely, the two of you walking towards the doors leading outside.

You walked out into the football field, where you sat under the bleachers and you immediately started.

"S-So I've been feeling some really strange things when I'm around you," you said, your hands shaking as you spoke, you were really nervous. "And I've never felt this way about any other werewolf before. It's really strange... But I like it? I don't know, I don't think it's right and we're friends and oh god I'm rambling!"

You covered your face in embarrassment, Ryan laughing in amusement. "So... You have a crush on me?"

"Mhm..." you mumbled, shaking your head shamefully.

Ryan smiled fondly, cupping your cheek with his hand. "Hey, it's okay. I like you too. Well, more than that... I think I love you."

"Y-You do?" you asked in shock, your eyes wide and your cheeks flushed.

"Mhm." he nodded. "It's okay, I don't think of you any different."

"Oh, good..." you said, sighing in relief. Then, you looked at him hopefully. "S-So does this mean you're my boyfriend... Or something?"

"Yeah, if that's what you want," he said with a shrug.

"Well... Okay, cool!" you said, giggling slightly. "Wow."

Ryan chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "You're adorable, pup."

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