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Alessandra POV


That is all i see. I cant get away from it. No matter how many times i tried running away. My past always seems to find me. No where to go. No one to run to. I run to survive. No one to trust. No family. No home. Well if you can even call a foster home a "home." Why do people promise when they can never keep it? 'Stay' He says. 'I'll come back. I promise.' Lies. But i dont want to believe that. I dont want to believe the lie. So I'll keep waiting for him and smile. Because he was my only hope left. I was nine and he was eleven. He always stayed close to me. Protected me. But he left me. Why do people leave? Dont promise what you cant keep.

Chapter 1


I was six. "Mommy! Mommy! When is daddy coming home?!" She turns to me with tears in her eyes. Gets on her knees and hugs me. 'I'm so sorry baby. I just want you to remember that we love you. So very much.' I hug her back, confused. "I love you too mommy."

'Bam! Bam! Bam!' Some one was at the door. Mom grabbed me and hid me in the closet in my room. 'Dont make a sound. Ok baby?! Dont come out no matter what! I love you.' She kisses me on the forehead and rushes downstairs. BAM! I could here the door slam open. 'WHERE IS HE!!' The man with a rough voice yelled. I jumped, he had a scary voice. My mom kept quiet. 'ANSWER ME BITCH!!' I didnt here my mom. Then she screamed. I quickly got out, quietly walked down the steps and peeked out of the corner of the wall. The man was dragging my mom across the floor to the kitchen. I quietly walked to the wall behind the kitchen and peeked from the corner and what i saw brought tears to my eyes. She was tied to a chair with blood running down her face. Her eyes were swollen, almost closed, while he kept punching her face. 'WHERE!' Punch! 'THE HELL!' Punch 'IS HE!!!' He was screaming in her face. I wanted to scream but my voice wouldn't come out. Then my dad ran to the kitchen. I had never seen him so angry before. I was terrified. 'Get the f##k away from her!' He was running to him but the man took out a shiny thing. And pointed it to my dad making him stop. I noticed what it was. A gun.

My dad had one in his drawer and under his bed. I remember seeing dad take it out of the closet once and i asked him what it was. He quickly put it away. 'Nothing sweetheart.' Me being stubborn i crossed my tiny arms and squinted my eyes and pouted. He sighed. I smiled knowing i won. He grabbed the shiny object and got on his knees in front of me. 'This is called a gun. Its very dangerous you can get really hurt.' I put on a confused face, "Then why do you have it?" I asked. He sighed and looked at me in the eyes. His face meant that he is going to say something serious. 'Baby. I'm in a gang. Which are a group of delinquents who spend time together. We can be called criminals but we only hurt the bad people, yet sometimes we have to kill them. But even though we are like that we got each others backs. We are a family. We look out for each other and protect the innocent. I want to make sure that you and our family are always safe. Especially when im not with you guys i want to make sure that your safe. The gang will always be close watching over you and your mother. Whether its at work or school. I will always make sure that you both are safe. That the people are safe and have a peaceful life. They were there when you were born and they vowed to protect and keep you safe. They are our family. Remember that.' I smiled.


I watched as my father tried to get closer. He glares at my dad, 'Come closer and I'll kill her.' My father stopped. The man smirked and shoots dad on the leg making him curse and my mother cry with the little strenght she had. I couldn't take this i quickly but quietly ran upstairs and grabbed the guns. I checked that they were loaded and went back to my spot. The man kept telling dad how much he hated him for taking the only thing that he cherished. My father shook his head, 'You know that wasn't my fault. I didn't kill her she took the bullet. She was the one that ran infront of-' The man yelled, 'WHY!!! WHY DID YOU LET HER DO IT!!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU PUSH HER AWAY!!! YOU LET HER DIE!!! YOU DIDN'T EVEN CATCH HER AS SHE FELL TO THE COLD CONCRETE IN FRONT OF YOUR DAMN FACE!!! WHY!!!! DID YOU HATE HER!!!! YOU SAID WE WERE FAMILY!!! YOU LET YOUR FAMILY DIE!!!!' He paused, tears were running down his face and whispered, 'Now its your turn to feel the pain that i have felt for years.' He punched my dad, falling on his knees, and ties his hands behind his back. He untied mom and did the same. They were both on their knees, hands tied behind their backs. He grabs some thick liquid with a strong scent, gasoline, and poured it all over my mom and dad soaking them with the liquid. He took out a knife and sliced her neck with a knife. My father screamed with tears down his eyes. Then he lit her on fire. I didnt notice another man come in untill i turned to see him being held back by the man. He was very muscular and had a scar starting from his forehead trailing down to his nose and cheek all the way to his jaw. I came out and my dad widened his eyes. I could see so many emotions in his eyes. Fear, anger, sadness for me. The man turned to me. His eyes were icy blue making me tremble of fear, but i couldn't let him see it.'Well well well. Is this your little girl?' He turned to my father while he pointed his thumb my way. My father started squirming, 'DON'T YOU F##KING TOUCH HER!!!' The man came closer to me and cut my cheek down to my lips. I screamed from the pain. My father started screaming, 'LEONARDO!!! I'MA F###ING KILL YOU!!!' He turned to my father lit lighter and dropped it on my allready dead mother. My father started screaming and the man dad called Leonardo started laughing evily. My dad looked at me and with a dead yet painful voice he croaked, 'I love you. Never forget that.' Then Leonardo shoots the same time that the big man sliced his throat. Tears clouded my vision and ran down my face. Then he caught him on fire. I fell to my knees hanging my head to the floor. The man from behind let him go as my dad burned. Leonardo kept shooting at them both. Thirty shots on their head and stomache. I looked at them the buff man walked to me but i took the gun out from the back of my dress and without a second thought with one hand i shot the man on his head twice and on his legs and his throat twice before he went down. He fell to the floor with a hard thump. I turned to Leonardo and saw his eyes wide and before he could raise his gun to me i shot his wrists making him scream in agony. I got closer to him. He took something out from his pocket with little strength he had and before i could stop him he threw it at my eyes. I screamed in agony as the liquid burned my eyes. My vision started to blur. I quickly clutched the gun i had tackled him to the ground and put it in his mouth and shot him. I quickly grabbed some water and put my parents out. The fire made their skin black, blood was still oozing from their body. I layed down between them and wrapped their arms around me. I heard sirens and the cops came dashing inside with their guns pointing out. But their eyes widened as they saw me. They put their guns down and rushed to me but quietly at the same time. My eyes were burning. They grabbed me. I couldn't scream to leave me with them. They just held my body and rushed me to the ambulance. They quickly put me inside the ambulance and rushed to the hospital. They stitched my face and gauzed my eyes. After a while i heard the door to my hospital room open. The man spoke, "I am officer Emiliano." I stayed quiet. He spoke slowly, "Can you tell me your name?" I stayed quiet. He spoke again, "Can you tell me what happened?" I stayed quiet for a few minutes and then spoke, "i killed the two men." After a while officer Emiliano spoke, "Why?" I balled my fists in anger. But answered with a deadly calm voice, "They killed and tortured my mommy and daddy in front of me. They hurt me. My daddy told me to finish them before they slit his throat and put him on fire. They started coming to me." My voice turned to a whisper, "So i shot them trying to protect myself." After a moment of silence. He spoke again softly,"I understand. It was self defense." I heard a knock on the door and a women spoke I'm guessing the nurse. Her voice came out softly and with sadness, "I'm sorry to say this..." she paused. Then spoke again, "You have become blind." I stayed quiet then a strong hand held mine. I asked, "What does that mean?" I heard her take a deep breath, "Sweetheart...It means that....your eyesight is gone." I felt Emiliano's hand squeezed mine. I started to sob and two strong arms embraced me in a hug making me cry harder. I cried so much that i felt exhausted. I then let sleep take over me.

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