chapter twenty-three

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"Breakfast is ready. Come out when you're ready. Okay?"


"Come on kids." The kids got out of the bed and went to their mother. I got into my farming clothes and went to the kitchen.

"Morning," I said to everyone.

"Morning," they all said.

"Chase, you're going to be fixing up the front lawn. Mrs. Tuskin wants to have her lawn all nice and neat for whenever company comes over," he smiled at Barbara. She smiled back at him. I smiled at them both.

"Yes, sir."

"Uncle Chase?"

"Yes, Lily."

"Who's Harper?" My eyes widened, and I went pale. I felt like I was going to pass out. I feel empty without her.

It's starting.

"Where did you hear that name?"

"You said it."

"Sh-She''s my girlfriend."

"What happened to her?"

"Nothing. Why?"

"You were talking about her in your sleep. It's sounded like something bad was happening to her."

"The only bad thing that happened was me making us temporarily separate."

"Chase, a word," Jt said while getting up from his chair. I followed him into the living room. "Who ever this Harper is, you gotta drop her. If you talk or mention her, they're gonna know your weakness. Keep your past quiet."


"Your new past," he cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh..." I sighed.

"Not so easy. Is it?"

"No, but I got."

"Good. Let's go eat then we'll get to working in both areas, if you know what I mean."

"Oh. Right." We both went back to the kitchen and sat down. Once Barbara brought the plates, we all gave thanks and began to eat. Once we finished eating, Jt took me to the front lawn.

"First start with taking out the weeds and dead plants, then we'll plow the ground tomorrow."

"Yes, sir."

"Get started." He began to walk back to the house.

"Yes, sir." I knelt down to the ground and began to pull out the weeds. I kept plucking out the weeds. What felt forever was only a few hours.

"Uncle! Uncle!" Lily shouted from the screen door of the house.

"Yes, Lily-days," I smiled. She smiled at the call of her nickname.

"Lunch is ready."

"Okay. I'm coming." I was slowly began to get up. As I was turning around and dusting off my hands, someone said...

"Hello. Is this the Tuskin house hold?"

"Um..." I ran into the house. "Jt."


"There's these two men outside of the gate."

"Come with me," he began to get up. "Barbara take the kids to the barn and play hide-and-go seek."

"Yay," the two kids cheered.

"Uncle Chase and Daddy are it. Hurry go hide," I tried to make it seem real. They began to go to the barn.

"Stay safe," Barbara kissed Jt. "You too," she smiled at me. I nodded my head. She left with the kids. Jt grabbed a gun, stuffed it in the back of his pants, and put his shirt over it. I also did the same with the gun he handed me. We walked out the front lawn.

"Hello, Jason," one of the men smiled.

"Hello, Mr. O-day, Mr. Wayer. How are you two gentlemen this fine afternoon?"

"We're doing swell," one of the men replied to his question. "Who's this young fellow?"

"My brother," he put an hand around my neck and smiled. I smiled along with him.

"He's got the Tuskin hair," a man laughed.

"He sure does," Jt smiled, and I lightly laughed.

"May we have a word?" one of the men questioned.

"We can, but we're going to have to do it out here. I don't want to worry the family."

"Oh. But of course," the other man answered.

"So what news do you have?"

"We think we might have found out some news about Reggie Justin."

Why would they be looking up news on my father? He's past.

"What about him? He's past," Jt tried to sound concern.

"We think he might have an offspring left."

"How can he? We all know he's whole family died."

"Well, we don't think so. We think there's one that survived."

"Let's say this one we to exist. What will happen to him?"

"If he's anything like he father, we'll keep a close eye on him and make sure he doesn't go into the same business as his father before him.

First off, how dare they try to keep me like a dog on a leash?! Second, you're a little too late boys. I'm already in it.

I tried not to laugh at their gullibility.

"Well, I doubt there is one, but I'll let you know if I find something."

"We'll keep you informed like always, Mr. Tuskin."

"Thanks, boys. I really appreciate this," Jt smiled.

"Good day, Mr. Tuskin."

"Good day." Both men left and went into a car. Once they drove off, Jt finally let the air out of his chest.

"Wait, nobody knows I'm alive?"

"No, I didn't even know till I met you. You see, before your father passed, he told everyone that it was just he and your mother. He never mentioned you to anybody."

"Why would he do that?"

"To protect you. You were his last kid, and he didn't want anything happening to you."

"I guess, it makes sense."

"Well, I know it does."

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