chapter thrirty-six

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I arrived to the country club and looked around for Connor. He snuck up behind me and spun me which made me laugh. I then put me down.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Howdy," he smiled back. A certain song began to play.

"I love this song. Come on," I pulled him to the dance floor. We both began to dance to the music. (a/n: song above) After the song, we went to go get some water and waited for the next song. A slow song began to play, and I got worried a bit. (a/n: song right below )

"May I have this dance?" Connor held his hand out. I played it cool and curtsied, placing my hand in his. Connor placed his hand on my waist, and I placed my hand on his shoulder. We began dancing. Towards the middle of the song, he began singing the lyrics in my ear. He looked and me and tried kissing me. I pulled away.

"I'm sorry," I ran my fingers thru my hair.

"Why do you keep pushing me away?"

"I can't explain it Connor," I grabbed his arm in a friendly way.

"It's Chase isn't it. You still miss him. Harper get this in your brain, he is never coming back. He's gone and left you behind. He never deserved you. You deserved better than that....that....that trash."

I immediately slapped whom with tears on my eyes. "He's my fiancé you bastard. He told me he's coming back, and I trust him on that."

"Then why did you get with that one guy?!"

"He was abusing and told me that if I didn't get with him he would kill my father, you idiot." I grabbed Chase's sweater and left.

"Harper, wait!"

I kept waking

"Harper," Connor caught up to me.

"What do you want?" I wipes my tears.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. But ever since Carrie broke up with me, you were the first person that felt so right."

"Look Connor, I know she broke up with you, and she probably regrets it. You just need some time Connor."

"Help me please. I don't mean help me as like a relationship. Help me as a friend helping a friend in sorrow," he began to tear up.

I quickly hugged him with tears. He hugged back, and we stood there for what felt like an eternity. He walked me back home, and we talked on the way there. Once we arrived, I hugged him one last time bodes walking into the house. I walked in and began walking to my room. As I was walking down the hall, I ran into my brother Henry.

"Hey sissy," he smiled.

"Hey," I smiled back.

"How was your outing?"

"Good," I smiled.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Sure," I smiled.

"Come in my room," he opened the door. I went in, and he sat down on his desk chair. "I need help."

"With?" I smiled.

"A girl, I like."

"Oh," I said shocked.

"I don't wanna go to Heaven cause of how she is with relationships, and knowing Hank, he'll probably steal the girl from me. I'm trusting you to be good with this, considering you're with Chase and all."

"Okay. What do you need me help with?"

"Well, you see I can't really tell if she likes me or not."

"How does she act around you?"

He began to explain everything. Once he was done, I knew this girl liked him. She's probably one of those girls who doesn't know how to hide that they're crushing.

"So what does all that mean?"

"She likes you. It's in obvious answer," I smiled.

"How should I ask her out?"

"How do you want to ask her out?"

"I'm not sure yet. I was thinking of doing a few things."

"I wanna hear them," I smiled. He began to explain each plan detail by detail.


"I say the second one," I smiled.

"Thank sis," he smiled at me. "I don't think I couldn't have done it without you."

"You're welcome," I smiled.

"Well, I'll let you sleep," he smiled in relief.

"Okay," I yawned and went to bed. I woke up and looked outside the window. "Still night," I sighed. I put my sweatpants on, a spaghetti strap, and Chases's sweater on. I went on my balcony and sat in seat that I have there. I looked around at the stars then at the city that was far yet not so far away. As I was looking around, I saw a man walking around my backyard. He climbed up to my balcony. I looked at him in fear and shock.

"Harper, it's me," he revealed his face. I memorized it.

"You're the man who helped Chase."

"Yes," he smiled.

"What brings you here?"

"Chase sent you a letter," he brought a paper out of his inner jacket pocket. "I'm not suppose to be helped him because I'm no longer in service, but it's just a letter so I think I'm okay for now. Please be careful where you leave that letter. No one is suppose to know about it. Got it?"

"Yes," I nodded.

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