Chapter Eighteen

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Toni has been feeling stressed about the wedding planning and Ken hasn't been any help whatsoever.

"Toni Michele Braxt-" Tamar says as she enters Toni's house and sees her on the couch crying.

"What's wrong with you?" Tamar asked.

"This wedding is stressing me out, between my dress not fitting me because of the pregnancy, I can't find the right venue and Ken has been no help." Toni says while drying her eyes with a Kleenex. Tamar sits next to Toni and rubs her shoulder.

"Well, did you tell Ken about how you feel? He's probably busy doing so many things right now." Tamar says.

"Tamar, what does Ken have to do that's way more important than our own wedding. We're getting married in seven months, nothing is planned and he promised he'll help me." Toni whines.

"He's a very important man. He's probably doing stuff right now. Where is he exactly?" Tamar asked. Toni walks into the kitchen to get a water bottle.

"He's at the studio, right now. Why?" Toni asked. Tamar has a smirk on her face.

"Let's go. You gotta talk to Ken about how you feel or else he'll never know." Tamar said. Toni got dressed and put sleeping Ava in her car seat and Tamar drove them to Ken's studio which is fifteen minutes away from the house. They get out the car and enter Ken's office. They noticed Ken on the piano surrounding many crumbled up pieces of paper on the ground.

Toni knocks on the door, meanwhile Tamar is in the waiting area. He opens the door and he plays the grand piano.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Toni asked.

"Nothing, I'm just stressed. This wedding is bothering me." Ken said.

"Speaking of the wedding, I've been feeling stressed out and annoyed because-" Toni trails off while being kissed by Ken.

"I am sorry that I've been distant when it comes to the wedding, I'm just nervous." Ken said while biting his bottom lip.

"Nervous about what? We are madly in love with each other and we have two beautiful babies together." Toni said while tracing Ken's eyebrow.

"I'm nervous because I'm so afraid of losing you. I'm madly in love with you and the fact that you'll be mine is overwhelming." Ken said while wrapping his arms around Toni's waist.

"I love you more, you're not going to lose me, okay?" Toni said reassuring Ken. He nodded his head, and smile. Toni picked up a piece of paper from the ground and Ken snatched it out her hand.

"I'm working on my vows, you cannot read them. I have to perfect them, so no peeking." Ken said. Toni smirks and then leaves.

Today was "Mommy and Daughter Day" so Toni and Peyton spent time together, meanwhile Tamar babysat Ava.

"You're ready to get your nails done?" Toni smiled. Peyton nodded her head while putting on her jacket. The car ride was silent until Peyton broke the silence.

"Do you love Denim, Diez, and I?" Peyton asked while twirling her hair with her index finger. Toni looked at her while she was waiting for the green light.

"Where did that come from?" Toni asked while turning down the radio in the car.

"Never mind, it was a stupid question. Pretend like you never heard me say anything." Peyton said leaning back.

"Tell Mommy, I promise I won't get mad." Toni said. Peyton looked outside admiring the wildflowers Toni was passing by.

"Can't you take Ava back to the hospital or give her up? Tired of the boys complaining to me about her. I want my old life back, where Ava wasn't born." Peyton said.

"Baby, I know it's tough for you but I promise you that I love you more than anything in this world." Toni said. Peyton smiled and gave a kiss on Toni's cheek while she was driving and sat back down. Peyton needs to realize how much she is loved, every minute of the day. They were exiting the car and entering the nail salon. Peyton was looking at the nail polish colors on the wall and Toni was doing the same.

"I want a nice nude color, what do you think Pey?" Toni asked. Peyton gave a half of a smile and nodded. Peyton was looking for a nice baby blue color, and she found the perfect one. The nail technician started to do their magic on both of the girls and it was dead silence.

"I'm hungry." Peyton said breaking the silence.

"Girl same.. But we can get Mr. Chow, after this." Toni said while getting her right hand massaged. Peyton smiled and shook her head. Thirty minutes later, their nails were dry and they went to Mr. Chow. Peyton was looking through the menu.

"You need help, baby?" Toni asked. Peyton sipped her water before answering Toni's question.

"No thank you, TT." Peyton said. It's so weird to Toni that was called "TT", by Peyton. She didn't bother to question her.

"Are you ready to order?" The waiter asked. Both Peyton and Toni shook their heads.

"Can I have some chicken lo mein, that's it." Peyton asked. The waiter wrote down her order and he wanted for Toni.

"Can I please get chicken fried rice and chicken lo mein?" Toni asked. The waiter took her order and took the menus as well.

"You okay?" Toni asked. Peyton nodded her head and smiled.

"Can I go to the bathroom, please?" Peyton asked. Toni nodded her head and she left the table. Peyton went outside and took a breather for a good minute. Ten minutes passed by and Toni was starting to worry. She left the table and went into the ladies bathroom, looking for Peyton.

"Oh God, Peyton.. Sweetheart!" Toni yelled. Everyone looked at Toni crazy, but when Toni passed by the glass windows, she noticed Peyton outside. She walked outside and immediately hugged her.

"You scared me to death. What's wrong with you?" Toni asked. Peyton refused to look into Toni's eyes, so therefore she looked elsewhere.

"I'm fine, I just want to be alone TT." Peyton said. Toni's heart broke when she called her "TT".

"What happened to me being your mommy?" Toni asked.

"I just don't feel the need to call you that name anymore. I mean you have three kids so you're fine." Peyton said.

"I've got you too, you're my daughter." Toni smiled. Peyton looked Toni straight in the eyes and shook her head.

"I'm not your daughter. Ava is your kid, and I'm just a stepchild. You got Daddy and your kids. All I have is Daddy and Mommy." Peyton said. She got up and walked back into the restaurant, at her table.

"Peyton, stop running away from me. I LOVE YOU! Peyton Nicole Edmonds, you're my princess." Toni said.

"I miss my family, my parents together and all happy, until you came into the picture. You broke up my family. Now I know why Dylan and Brandon don't come around you." Peyton said. Toni couldn't believe the words that were coming out of Peyton's mouth.

Sorry for any mistakes

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