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My life was a question mark.

Sometimes I didn't even I love myself, but I always knew my mother did.

She reminded me everyday. Everyday she woke up in ungodly hours before I did. She always gets dressed ,makes a pot of coffee, makes breakfast, and wakes me up to go school.

She's the best alarm anyone can ask for.

But she's more then that. To me she's a super hero. She carries the burden of this whole city on her back everyday. Everyday seems like a new life is saved and its always mine.

My Mother is hands down the goat.
I'm sorry if you think your mother is great and to be fair she probably is,but compared to my mother your mom can't hold a candle.

My mom the alpha mom. She don't take shit and gives just as many shits.

Which is none.

My mother always is ready to cut someone. Every time were out together and some homeless man as for money she's like "Don't talk to my baby boy motherfucker, you don't know me ."I'm like, "Yeah ma tell'em, tell'em how crazy you are!".

I also don't call her mom I call her by her name , Carol. I always felt like she's deserved it. She commands this authority and respect that no one else gets from me. She's not a "mom" she's Carol. My mother. The one and only. If there's one thing I wished I did more was say I love you. So I'll start now.
I love you,
I love you ,
I love you.
I love you.

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