Lock And Key

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I'm a firm believer in the ideology that everyone is born with a missed matched set of a lock and key. That were supposed to spend our entire lives looking for the person that "fits".

A lot of the people I know spend their time learning how to be a lockpicker, so they can break into who ever's heart they choose. I wanna be a lockpicker too.

Not for the same reasons. I want to pick my own lock. Find everything that makes me great and put it on display. I will not let someone else take it from me.

I've locked away something to important. Love for myself should come first. I need to figure out what makes my heart skip beats. I need to figure out why I've loved everyone I've loved and why they haven't loved me back.

They are not always the problem. You can not expect someone's love without being disserving of their love. It's like contracting an std and blaming the doctors for not being able to cure it. It is a fool's wish.
I've been a fool for too long.

Love those who are selfish with love. Someone who make love a life style.
Someone who you can trust to keep it safe. Who keeps secrets like a seashell collection, someone how reveals them only when they know it will be well grauded and cherished.

What a fool you've been.

What a fool I've been.

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