Rainbow Party

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I think a Orgy
And a funeral
Are the same things
At least to me they are
Here's why

I've never been to either
Nor do I plan on going to one
But with my current status in life
I know I'll have gone to several
Before I'm 40

They are both planned in secret
And are meant to surprise I
You will be surrounded
By strangers and loved ones
And feel an odd surrealness in the air
Like you can't believe what's happening
Like this is a dream
Until it starts

Now this is where it gets a bit
Both have requirements
One needs sweat
One needs tears
One has desire
One has lust
One has grief
One has shame
One needs my mouth
One needs my heart
It change for each one
And it will never be the I expect

Both are strange places to fall in love
And both are the only places
Where love is genuine and honest
Where life is at its rawest form
Where time stops
Only for a moment
And I realize someone
That should be here, isn't
I will begin to weep
And those strangers will embrace me
And I'll be very uncomfortable
But it'll be fine
Then we'll finish up what we started
Then I'll go home
Wishing that it'll never happen again
But it will
And so I wonder
Will I be the sideshow
Or main event?
At the next one will I be
The center of attention?
I hope I won't
But if I am
It will be glorious.

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