How To Be Broken And Still Unbreakable

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Be busy risking everything you are to become everything you want to be.

To smile even when you don't know how to.

To laugh at your misfortune.

Enjoy your struggles.

Let the moon comfort you with its silent lullaby.

Drink you demons under the table.

Sing your own gospel.

Let your prison be your church.

Hate everything that never loved you and love everything that loves you twice as hard.

Let it be known what kind of beast you are.

Show your fangs.

Let them know you are wild AND free.

Never one without the other.

Let your wounds linger.

Breed scars on your skin and wear them proud.

And do your best to remind yourself you are still here.

Daring anyone to try and forget you.
And please.

Realize this, if you want to be reborn by spring.

You need to risk the harshness of winter.

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