5 Responses To The Question "Why Are All Poems Sad?"

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1) Most people write about how they feel. And sadness is a feeling.
Crazy right.

2)Sadness is one of the few things we as humans can all relate too. Everyone feels sad once and a while.
No matter who you are or what you do. Its just human nature.
If you've never been sad you're lying or just a weirdo.

3) Cause the only other thing to write about is love. And fuck that. That's nerd shit. (Sometimes).

4) Cause fuck you I said so.

5) Sadness is hard and complicated.
Hard cause its not the easiest thing to talk about. It's much easier to write about. And it's complicated because everyone's sadness is different. Which makes it interesting.
No one's suffering is the same.
It's hard to explain how it feels exactly. You just know no one feels this exact way. Some may feel to you similar ,but your sadness is yours alone. It makes you feel unique.
Like your exactly where your suppose to be. And that's how you know you're okay.

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If you have no interest in my little update please continue to the next part (when its up )



Just wanted to thank the people that have been reading my stuff so far. Since you guys keep coming back I assume you're enjoying yourselves. Which is great.
Continue enjoying yourselves.
I'm still working on the story the story I mentioned in the little blurb thing in this story. Taking a little longer then it would. I probably start outlining it like The14thLegend dose and not just keeping it all in I'm my head. Speaking of The14thLegend.
Quick shout out to her for introducing me to Wattpad and kinda kick starting my story, book thing. Not sure what to call this yet.
I'm pretty sure I would only have like 3 views by now without her.
So Thanks Des :)
I'll have the first part of the story up soon I promise so stay tuned.
See you guys later ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)

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