The Girl With The Broken Jaw

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Dedicated to the14thLegend

Now I could make some sexual innuendo about this but now is not the time. This is a girl who demands better. She has smile so beautiful you would be foolish to think it wasn't painful to keep. She is the type of girl to bite the bullet, literally, and spit it at you. Leave holes in you that you could never fill. Broke her jaw to make sure she would never leave a word unsaid. Left it unhinged so she could say the things others wouldn't.
She lets her words run like a faucet until they start flying over your head.
Its true sometimes I doubt even she knows what's she's saying, but I'd bet every dollar I'll ever make that she means it. Its a good thing I enjoy the sounds of running water. It let's me catch every word. Though my smile is crooked, she smiles back. And that's all I've ever needed.

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