Meeting for the first time

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You were walking around the school completely bored until you saw three students, Tohru, Yuki and Kyo outside. You look at them weirdly until you noticed that they were talking to someone with jet black hair except some of it was covering one his eyes. You walk over to the students and to the person they were talking to.

"Excuse but aren't you three supposed to be in class?" you say looking at the kids sternly.

"Sorry Miss (L/N), we were just talking to mine and Kyo's cousin." Yuki said smiling.

You sigh and look at the tall man and then look back at the three students.

"Please head to class you three." You say smiling.

"HEY WHO SAYS YOU CAN TELL US WHAT TO DO!?" Kyo shouts at you.

"Mr.Sohma I surprise you head to class before I give you detention." you say making Kyo and the other two run back to class.

You sigh and look at the man. I nod my head and he leaves making you furious at the man.

You were in class listening to your teacher talking about math until you got tapped on the shoulder by Tohru. You look at her confused.

"Sorry (Y/N). I was just curious if you wanted to play rich man poor man with me, Hana, Uo, Kyo and Yuki at lunch or during study hall." She whispers sweetly.

You look at her and then nod your head making her smile.

***At Lunch***

You sit at your desk reading, (Favorite Book), when Tohru and the others move a desk near yours. You look at them confused.

"Hey" Tohru says smiling happily.

You sigh.

"Hey what's going on?" you ask confused making everyone laugh.

As everyone continued to laugh, a boy around your age with greyish purple hair comes up smiling at the group, you look at him for a while until you just run out of class scared of what would happen to you if you hung out with him

You walked around dancing like an idiot around japan because you could and you were that awesome. As you kept dancing, you bumped into someone with long light grey hair with gold/yellow eyes. You look at them and apologize. He smiled and nodded and then apologized for some odd reason. He then began to talk about outfits with you and you look at him like he was crazy. You then excuse yourself without realizing you never knew his name. But instead you just run off, leaving him completely confused.

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