When you forgive him :) Pt 2

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A/N: This chapter goes with the chapter When he hits you. Please enjoy!

After you ran off from Hatori after he hit you, you went straight home. You began to cry and frown. Hatori really hurt you and it wasn't like him. You were about to say sorry but he never gave you a chance. You continue to cry until you fell asleep on the couch while you laid down on it.

***Meanwhile with Hatori***

Hatori sighed as soon as he finished cleaning up the mess. He then frowns and realized that he just hit the women he loves. He quickly looks around his house and couldn't find her, so he knew she would have ran home. He grabbed his car keeps, went into the car and then began to drive to her house. As soon as he got to your house, he began to knock on your dead causing you to wake up and answer the door. When you opened the door Hatori smiled a bit and went into kiss you but you move. He sighs and frowns.

"What are you doing here, Hatori?" You ask with a hint of fear in your voice.

Hatori looked at you and frowned a lot more. He then sighed.

"I came to apologize for what I did to you. I know it was by accident when the bowl broke. I shouldn't have hit you. I am sorry." He says causing you to look at him shocked.

You then lean forward and kiss him. You then pull away quickly and look at him.

"Do you forgive me?" He ask making you smile.

"Only if you promise not to hit me again." You say making him nod and smile.

He then leans again and you both begin to kiss. You were happy and so was he.

As soon as you got home, you run past your father and mother, and then quickly get to your room. You lay on you bed and begin to cry. You were so upset that Yuki slapped you. That was the first time he did that to you and you were completely scared. You hear a knock on your bedroom door and you just say go away. You then hear the door open and you realized it was your father that entered. He sat down on the bed and picked you up, holding you to his chest. You kept on crying and your father tried to calm you down. Your father asked you what's wrong and you explained that someone you loved hurt you. Your father frowned and wanted to kill Yuki now for hurting his daughter. Your mother then switched places with your father while he left your room and went to go hurt someone.

***Meanwhile with Yuki***

Yuki felt so bad after he hit you. He quickly left his house and went to go find you. But as Yuki was walking towards your place, Yuki saw your father completely pissed. Yuki frowned and continued to walk to the house. But sadly he was stopped by your father. Yuki looked at him and sighed.

"Mr.(L/N) I need to see your daughter. Is she home, sir?" He asks making your father very angry.


"I made a mistake. I shouldn't have hit her. I just need to see her to apologize. Mr.(L/N) please just let me see her. I really need to see her." Yuki said with sadness in his voice.

Your father sighed and then hit Yuki's head.

"Fine but you ever hurt her again; Then I will murder you." Your father says making Yuki nod understanding.

Yuki walked to your place with your father and was let inside the house as soon as you both got there. Your mother was now in the kitchen and noticed Yuki was here. Your mother looked at your father with a confused look. Your father just nodded to your mom making your mother nod back. Yuki walked towards your room and frowned when he saw you crying while holding onto your stuffed animal which was a rat. Yuki quickly rushed over to you and began to wipe your tears off your face. You stopped crying and saw Yuki. You frowned while looking at him.

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