When his rival flirts with you

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Requested by KairitheRedPanda

(A/N: I don't know who Hatori's, Ayame's, Ritsu's, Haru's, Momiji's, Akito's, Shigure's, and Hiro's rivals but I do know that Yuki and Kyo were originally like rivals in the anime/manga from what I have realized. So I will make up rival's for them because I don't know if they even have any rivals or what. So please don't get mad at me. Thank you and Enjoy. 

P.S. I am sorry if I don't update once in a while. I just am forgetful and plus I am so much under pressure at school and at home. So yeah. Also sorry if this chapter sucks)


(f/f)=Favorite Flavor

(l/f/h/c)=Least Favorite Hair Color



You were hanging out with Hatori around town discussing everything about what have happened in you guys life over the past two years.  You guys then stop at a park and you decide to sit on a bench while Hatori went to get a (f/f) ice cream. As you waited someone sat beside you smiling like a git. You look at them confused before they start to flirt with you terribly. You were really creeped out.

"Hey gorgeous did it hurt? When you fell from heaven." He says.

"What? Who are you?" You ask.

"Names Roger, baby. Now how about you let me take that fine...."

"What's going on here?" Hatori says.

You watch this Roger character look at Hatori with a steal cold ass glare. Hatori gave one in return.

"None of your business Sohma." Roger spits out.

"It is my business Dunks! Your flirting with my girlfriend." Hatori says as he grabs your arm and drags you away from the guy.

You guessed that was Hatori's new rival.


You didn't have to worry about anyone flirting with you. Since Kyo and Yuki have sort of became friends. So you knew Yuki had no rivals.


You don't really know if Ayame has rivals but you do know that Mine is your rival because she keeps trying to get Ayame to sleep with her again. Which you so hated.


Ritsu's rival is your ex-boyfriend Dean. Your Ex wants to get back together but you don't want to.


Kyo has a new rival at the company he works at. One day you decided to go see Kyo at work but when you got there, you bumped into his rival. You wished you didn't because of his (l/f/h/c) hair and (e/c) orbs. Plus really pale skin and no muscles.

"Baby, you must be a broom, ’cause you just swept me off my feet." he says.

"Gross. Look I'm looking for Kyo. Do you know where he is?" You say not buying his bad flirting.

"Why would you want to see him? He is a worthless piece of shit at this work place. What's your name baby? Mine's Peter." he says winking.

"FYI Kyo is my boyfriend and he also is not a worthless piece of shit. If anyone is a worthless piece of crap it would be you. My name...."

"(Y/N) I thought I told you that I would pick you up at your place for lunch." Kyo says from behind Peter.

"Well I wanted to come here instead because I was actually near your work at Ayame's new shop." You say making Peter glare at Kyo as Kyo walked up beside you.

"Steak brain go away." Kyo says making Peter walk off pissed.

Let's just say you will listen to Kyo about not coming to his work.


Haru has a lot of Rivals but none of them dare to flirt with you.


Momiji has no rivals.


Akito also had a lot of rivals but none dared to flirt with you or else Akito would literally kill them.


Shigure has no rivals but you do. But none of your rivals flirt with Shigure. 


You have one Rival and Hiro has no rivals. Your rival is Kisa.

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