The choice he makes for you!

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It has been three days, since you were attacked by Akito. You hadn't been at work for the past three days either. You were so terrified to leave your house. Your phone kept ringing and you weren't wanting to answer it, so you ignored it. You hid in the corner of your bedroom worrying that Akito will back to hurt you. You then hear knocking on the door and you ignore it too. You were worried and scared. You then afterwards hear the door unlock and open, plus a faint voice calling your name. You were scared to answer until your bedroom door was open to reveal your boyfriend Hatori. He saw you crying and rushes over to you, to make sure you are alright.

"(Y/N) what happened? Are you alright? What's wrong?" he asks worried as hell.

You look at him and cry more.

"I met this person named Akito and...and..." You say crying even harder.

"And what?" He asks looking at you with wide eyes.

"And he began to scream and hurt me. But as soon as he was done, he kicked me and then walked away." You say trying to calm down.

Hatori begins to get angry and then looks at you.

"Who is Akito anyway?" You ask with red puffy watery eyes.

"Akito is head of the Sohma family. Don't worry. I'll figure something out. I will, I promise. Try and get some sleep." He says kissing the top of your head.

You nod and get into your bed, falling asleep. Hatori tucked you in and then left.

***One Week later***

You were home wondering what Hatori was trying to do to fix this when you began to drift off to sleep. As you were sleeping, Hatori walked in and walked into the living room sighing. He then kisses your forehead and whispers goodbye to you before he erases your memory. After Hatori erased your memory, he left with a frown.

It has been two weeks since Akito came over and scared the living hell out of you. You were now hiding in your room laying in bed watching this movie about crime. As you were watching the T.V, your phone began to ring making you ignore the phone. You didn't want to talk to anyone especially not your parents. You continued watching your movie until there was a knock on your bedroom door, making you sigh.

"Go Away!" You say grabbing your unicorn stuffie and hug it.

You were hoping the person listened but they didn't. The person opened the door and walked in. You look and see Yuki. You frown and sigh.

"Hey. How are you?" he asks worried.

You look at him and then roll over facing the wall. Yuki sighs and then sits on your bed rubbing your back worried.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Someone named Akito was being mean and began to scream at me. He then threw stuff at me." You say crying.

Yuki frowned and sighed.

"Yuki who is he?" you asked still crying.

"Someone that isn't really nice in our family. You don't need to worry. I will deal with it. I promise you, Princess." He says making you nod and fall asleep.

Yuki then left and went to talk to Hatori.

***2 days later***

You were in your room cleaning when Yuki and Hatori walked into your room. You look at them confused and then smile.

"Hey. How did you guys get in?" you ask.

"Your mom let us in before she left." Yuki says making you nod.

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