When You get bullied

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You were getting ready for your high school reunion. You put on your beautiful strapless green dress  and matching heels. After you put your hair into a beauty and the beast hair style,  which made it look perfect. You smile as you look at yourself in the mirror. As you continued to look in the mirror, you didn't realize that your boyfriend, Hatori walked in smiling at you.

"You look beautiful." Hatori said making you turn to him in surprise.

As you turned to see him, you saw that he was wearing a tuxedo. You smile and walk over to him and kiss him cheek.

"And you look very handsome. Are you sure you want to come with me to my high school reunion?" you ask him making him nod and smile.

You guys then head to his car and drive to where the reunion was being held.

***Time Skip: At the the reunion***

As soon you both get to where the reunion was, you get out of the car and walk in. Hatori leaves you by a table to go get some drinks for you both. As you waited for Hatori some of your old bullies walked up to you and began to push you around.

"Lookie Lookie little miss piggy trying to fit in with the big crowd." Carrie said at you.

You hated your three bullies. Their names were Carrie, Ginny and Mickey(You can change them if any of the names are yours). You sigh and stare at your bullies a bit worried. You were then hit and pushed to the floor by Ginny. The three laughed.

"You shouldn't be hear you worthless pieceless pig freak!" Mickey said this time making you frown.

You were on the verge of crying. The girls kept picking on you and hurting you by kicking you. You begin to cry until Hatori walks over with the drinks and sees you were being bullied. He runs over to you and glares at the girls. The girls look at Hatori and smirk.

"Awe the Pig has a body guard. Awe how dumb. You know he can't protect you forever." Carrie says pissed.

"Leave her alone. If you hurt her or come near you I will make you pay." Hatori says in a threaten protective voice.

Which shocked you a lot. The girls eyes widen and they ran off. You stop crying and smile at him. You kiss him and he smiles.

You were hanging out outside waiting for Yuki while he helped Tohru to finish studying. As you wait, you were sketching until your boyfriend's fanclub ripped it out of your hand. You look up and frown.

"L-O-V-E, We love Yuki, Yuki! L-L-L-L-L-L-L-LOVE, l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-love!" the three girls said making you frown even more.

"What do you guys want?" you ask with a small sigh.

"We're here to tell you to stay away from Prince Yuki." Minami said making you look at them in a bit of shock.

"Why would Yuki even go out with a freak like you!" Mio said.

Mai then hit you in the face as soon as you stood up. You fall to the ground and the girls begin to laugh.

"Yuki doesn't love you! Why would he love someone who is so pathetic like you." they all say causing you begin on the verge of tears.

They then begin to kick you over and over again. You begin to cry and yelp in pain. They continue to kick you and scream at you until there was a loud shout.

"HEY WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!" You hear Kyo yell making the three chicks to stop.

Kyo chases the girls away while Yuki ran over to you to see of you were alright. You cry for a little bit longer and then stopped as soon as Yuki kissed you. Yuki then pulled away looking at you with a small smile. You were happy that Kyo and Yuki saved you from those three.

You never been bullied since high school. So your safe.

You were writing in park when two old bullies of yours saw you. As you continued to write they walk up to you and slap your journal out of your hands and onto the ground. You sigh and look up. One of them grab you by your hair lifting you up. You try not cry as the other one kept punching you like you were a puching bag. They both began to sing a very mean song.

"ICKY SICKY LITTLE MISS STINKY!" They kept repeating making you begin to cry.

Atfer a couple of minutes, Hatori, Shigure and Ritsu come and save you. The two leave in a hurry and Ritsu makes sure your ok. You nod your head while Ritsu began to walk you home. While Hatori and Shigure went to the sohma place chatting.

No one dared to bully you or Kyo would punch the living day out of them.

You weren't really bullied but you were having harassment issuse from your ex boyfriend. Which Haru took care of a while later. After he he found out basically.

​​​​​​You were hanging out outside looking at the flowers when your ex bestfriend walked over to you and kicked you. You sigh and look at her. You frown.

"Awe is little miss (Y/N) lonely? What a loser!" Hila said smirking evilly.

"Stop Hila." you say a bit annoyed.

Hila kicked you again and again. While repeating what she was saying.

"(Y/N) WHY DON'T YOU JUST DIE! YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN BE HERE! YOUR SUCH A FREAK!" she says repeatedly while kicking you still.

You begin to cry as she continued to hurt you.

***1 hour later***

Hila stopped and then laughed while leaving. You continue crying until Momiji finds you and frowns at seeing you sad. He runs over to you and makes sure you are alright. You told him everything and he frowned even more. He walks you home while thinking about telling Haru, Kyo and Yuki about what happened to you.


You weren't really bullied unless you want to call stalking bullying. Your ex fiance kept stalking you and you tell Shigure. Shigure got pissed and punched your ex in the face. Which shocked you a lot. So basically before Shigure punched him, you were being Harrassed not bullied. Lol  

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