New Character: Ritsu Sohma

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A/N: Ritsu's catch up!!!! Also if you guys didn't know Ritsu is a guy. But he looks so pretty!!!

Meeting for the first time:
You were heading to the garden of your friend's place until you bumped into something. You fall to the ground and see a tree. You sigh. You get up and begin to walk again until you see someone with beautiful long orange hair, wearing a beautiful kimono. You walk up to them and smile. The person looked at you and than ran away making you think that person is weird.

Meeting again:
You were at your friend's garden when your friend came out with the person you saw 2 days ago. Your friend then walks back inside leaving you with the person. You walk up to them and they look at you. 

"I'M SORRY FOR RUNNING AWAY! I'M SORRY!" the person says making you look at the person shocked.

"Um...ok then. I'm (Y/N). What's your name?" you ask.


"Well Ritsu, it's nice to meet you. You look really beautiful." you say.

Ritsu nods.

"Hey (Y/N). I see you met my best guy friend, Ritsu." your friend shouts as she walks outside with tea for all of us.

​​​​​​You nod your head shocked but then smiled when you understood that Ritsu was a guy and not a girl.

When he gets Jealous/Hanging out:
You were at home reading when you got a call. You answer it and you hear the screaming of Ritsu making you giggle. He asks you to hang out today and you say yes. You sigh and smile. You quickly get dressed and head over to see Ritsu. You then get the small cafe you guys are suppose to meet at and see he's already inside. You smile as you enter. You sit at the table and a waiter gets you guys your order. Except the waiter was also flirting with you. Ritsu notice and started to glare at the waiter making the waiter stop flirting and get your guys order. You look at Ritsu and smile. You hand him a piece of paper saying I knew were jealous. You giggle making him smile. You were glad to hang out with him.

Nicknames you have for him:
​​​​​​You usually call him Rit or Su because you shorten his name a lot.

His nicknames for you:
He usually calls you flower because he says you look like a flower to him.

When he asks you out/First Kiss:
You were at his place hanging out when out of nowhere he tripped and fell. You walk over to him to see if he was alright. He looks at you and you knew what is going to happen next.

"I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY FOR FALLING! WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME! I'M SORRY!!!" he shouts making you sigh but then smile.

"Yes Ritsu I'll go out with you." you say making him smile. You kiss him and he kisses back making you guys have your first kiss as a new couple.

When you are on your period:
You sigh when you realized it was that time of the month again. You get a call from Ritsu and you ignore it. You then text him after the ringing stopped and told him your busy for the whole week. He then shut up after that.

First ​​Date:
You were with Ritsu on the sohma grounds hanging out in the garden. You smile as you guys sit there having a picnic happily. You liked your first date with him because it was calming to you both!!!

Finding out about the curse:
You and Ritsu were at your house having Tea when you decided to hug Ritsu. But when you hugged him, you saw a puff of smoke appear. As soon as the smoke disappeared, all that was left was a monkey. You look confused until the monkey began screaming I'm sorry. That's ​​​when you realized ot was your boyfriend and you began to giggle. He then turned back to normal except he was naked. You turn around and he gets dressed. He then explains about the curse but then after he kept scream sorry making you giggle a lot.

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