When he's sick

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Requested by CodilynLunn


You were at Hatori's place taking care of Hatori and everything. Hatori had caught the flu. You told him you'll check on the others as long as he goes and lays down and rests. You were working on the paperwork in his office when you felt two arms wrap around you. You sigh and frown.

"I told you to get some rest, Hatori." You say turning around to look at him.

"I am feeling a bit better. I thought I would do the work I am supposed to do." he says while stating the last part.

"Hatori, I already check up on everyone and now I am working on this paperwork. Now go lay down and as soon as I am done maybe I will come and cuddle with you. But at this moment you are not doing anything. So go lay down NOW!" You say frustrated.

Hatori looked at you and sighed. He did as you told him and you went back to work.


You soon finished the work and went to go cuddle with Hatori but when you went passed the living room, you saw him asleep on the couch. You smile and walk over to him but before you do you grab a blanket first. You tuck him in and then go to his bedroom and fall asleep on his bed. You hope Hatori will completely feel better tomorrow morning.

Yuki text you that he wasn't feeling so good and that he wants you to stay away from him until he is better. Which you understood.

Kyo doesn't want you to know that he isn't feeling so well, so he tries to make you think he is fine but you know he isn't.

Ritsu barely gets sick because he makes sure to stay away from some people who are sick unless it was you. But when he is sick you feed him chicken noodle soup.

You were at school waiting for class to start when you saw Misa walk in without Hiro. You frown as she walks up to you and sits beside you.

"Where's Hiro?" you ask nicely.

"Hiro is sick. I'm sorry. He told me not to tell you but I had to because it wouldn't be fair for you to know." she says sighing.

"Oh. Thanks Misa. Do you think I can visit him?" you ask with hopeful eyes.

"No. His family wouldn't let me in the house. So I don't his family will let you in either." she says making you nod.

You then quickly grab your cell and text him, I hope you feel better. Making you sigh as you worried about him during the whole day.

Shigure pushes you away when he is sick. It's like you never knew him because he is so gloomy and scary.

Akito usually gets sick all the time, so you just feed him soup and cuddle with him even if you catch a cold from him. You don't care.

You are at Ayame's house cleaning while Ayame is sleeping off his cold. As soon as you finished cleaning, you leave the apartment and go buy some chicken noodle soup for him.


As soon as you get the soup, you get back to the apartment and see Ayame waking up . You smile amd walk over to him.

"i bought you some soup. Eat up. After you're done, go take a shower to get rid of that smell." You say smiling and kissing his forehead after.

Ayame nodded and did as told. He finished eating and went to take him shower. You go to his room and lay down. You soon fell asleep afterwords. Little did you know after Ayame's shower he went to his room not knowing you were there but when he did, he laid down and cuddled you before going back to sleep.

You stay away from Haru when he sick. When he is sick he can be very perverted at times then usual.

Momiji never allows you to see him when he is sick because doesn't want you to get sick. Which you kind of understand.

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