Getting Back together Pt 2

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Requested by HatoriXsohma



It has been 10 months since you saw Haru cheat on you with your Cousin's best friend and 10 months since you broke up with him. You were happy now that Haru was out of your life. Actually you started to date someone new making your friend Momiji worried when he knew Haru will crush whoever you date. Which you didn't care. One night you were walking around town with your new boyfriend when out of nowhere Haru appeared. You looked at him shocked. You then sigh. Your new boyfriend looks at you confused. You look at Haru to see what he does and all he does is punch your new boyfriend. Your eyes go even more wide then they have ever been in 10 months.

"Haru what the hell!?" You say as you run over to your new boyfriend, Kevin (A/N: You can change the name if you want to. Just that was the first name that popped up in my head.).

Haru didn't answer you making you realize that he went to black Haru. Now you were worried. Last time Haru was Black Haru was when the curse was still stod upon him and the rest of the Sohma house. You soon then watch your boyfriend get back up and was about to hit your ex when the police came. You sigh as they put all three of you in the back of the police car.

"This is your guys fault." You say now staying silent.

***Time Skip***

You sit and talk to the police of what happened for a couple of minutes and then wait for your father. As you waited you got a text from Kevin saying that you two are through. You sigh and frown. You sigh again when you see Haru walk over to you and sit beside ya. You glare at him.

"It's your fault for Kevin breaking up with me through text just now. Your an asshole." You say looking away from him.

"(Y/N) I'm Sorry." He says frowning.

You could feel him beginning to stare at the back of your head. You sigh and stare at him.

"Sorry for what?" You say glaring at him.

"For breaking your heart. For Cheating on You. For making your new boyfriend to break up with you. For going back to black Haru." He says making you role your eyes.

"I won't forgive you and I won't give you another chance." You state.

"Please give me one more chance. I won't screw it up this time." He says making his voice more sincere.

"Fine I will give you one more chance but I will not trust you. You have to earn my trust. Got it." You say making Haru nod.


It has been a year since you broke up with Momiji because you needed space. You and Momiji got back together after the space needed between you two. Which you were glad Momiji waited to see what you would do and you were glad he waited as well.


You got back together with Akito but you don't trust him and you stay a bit farth away from him.


It has three years since you saw your younger half sister screwing your ex boyfriend. You hated them both. Your family disowned your sister because of what she did. You were walking around town looking for a place to eat. As you walk around, you bumped into your younger half sister. You noticed she was sad and confused. You just rolled your eyes.

"(Y/N). I-I-I'm S-s-sorry. S-shigure m-misses y-y-you. P-Please forgive m-me. I-I b-b-broke up w-with h-him." Rei says crying making you roll your eyes again.

"Rei I will never forgive you and neither will the rest of the family. What you did was low even for you. No offense. That's also why our grandparents disowned and is not giving you the inheritance they have for the both of us. I'm Sorry. Plus I don't care that you broke up with Shigure and I don't give a crap that Shigure misses me. I don't care anymore. Shigure was a loser anyways." You say before leaving your little half sister by herself.

You continued to walk and sigh. You found a nice Sushi place making you smile and enter the place. But as soon as you enter you saw Shigure. You were about to leave when he noticed you and waved over to you before getting up and walking towards you. You sigh and just stay put.

"Can I help you Mr.Sohma?" You say bitterly.

"(Y/N) really? Actually do you care to join me with a meal?" He asks making you confused.

"No thank you. I rather die a million deaths then hang out with you. I don't trust you and I don't like you either." You state.

Shigure sighs.

"Just give me another chance (Y/N). Please?" 


"Please (Y/N)?"



"Fine I will give one last chance but if you screw this up, I will kill you then. Plus you need to earn my trust."

"Alright thank you (Y/N)." He says and then smirks.

"Not gonna happen." You state causin him to sigh.

"I know." He says frowning.

He knows you know him very well.


You and Hiro got back together seven years after you caught him cheating on you with your ex friend Kisa in the Janitor's closet. You still don't forgive him or trust him. But he is glad that you gave him another chance.

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