Getting Back Together Pt 1

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Requested by HatoriXsohma



It has been 2 years after you and Hatori broke up. You were walking around thinking about your life. You have a great career ahead of you. You left the school you worked at and create your own bakery shop. You smile as you decide to go to your bakery shop. As you walk to your shop, you bumped into someone that you kind of wished you didn't.

"Sorry." You say looking at the person only to see your ex.

"(Y/N)?" Hatori asks as he stares at you in disbelief. 

"Hello Hatori. I have to go. Can I please go past you?" You say politely.

"(Y/N) no. I need to talk to you." He says.

"I have nothing to say to you."

"(Y/N) I made a mistake. I shouldn't have cheated on you. I want us to start again." 

"No Hatori. You hurt me and broke my heart. I just basically repaired it. Plus I am not looking for a relationship at the moment."

"(Y/N) I know I screwed up. Just give me one more chance." 

"Fine I'll give you one more chance but if you cheat on me again or break my heart, I will kill you or never forgive you." you say causing Hatori to smile.

Hatori kisses your hand and then begin to catch up.


It has been 5 years since you graduated from high school and were on your last year of becoming a fashion designer. You were super excited that you decided to call Tohru up to see if she would want to hang out. Which Tohru was happy to hear from you. You began to walk to the cafe you and her agreed upon. As you walked there, you ran into the last person you ever wanted to see.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" Yuki says making you glare at him.

"Of course it's me Baka! Gosh. Besides I need to go. I have plans with Tohru. Now bye." you say as you walk by Yuki and head to your destination.

You continued to walk as Yuki followed you. You finally get to your destination. You stop in front of the cafe and look at Yuki.

"What do you want, Yuki?"

"Give me another chance?" 

Before you could answer Yuki's question Tohru came up to you both.

"What are you doing here Yuki?" She asks.

"Came to ask (Y/N) for another chance." he says.

"Oh what happened to that other chick?" you ask.

"It didn't work out. So please give me another chance." 

Tohru looks at you and you sigh.

"Fine. But one wrong move and I'll have my uncle cutoff your dick and balls." you state smiling.

Yuki nodded and then smiled. After that you, Tohru and Yuki then all hung out and drank coffee or tea.


You and Ayame got back together 1 year after you broke up with him.


You and him got back together after a month of your guys break. Apparently you two can't live without each other.


It has been 12 years since you left Japan that you decided to move back to where you lived before moving. You were walking around your old town when you saw a cute cafe. You decided to go see the cafe and check it out. But when you enter, you see the man you still loved. Kyo saw you and was shocked. You smile and then go grab a table for one. You waited for your order to be taken. As you wait Kyo walked over to you and sat in the seat that was in front of you. You sigh but smile.

"(Y/N)? Is that really you? Last time I saw you, you were shorter. But now your different. Why?"

"Yes it is me and I moved to (whatever country). I also don't know. I just grew up unlike you." You say smiling.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry. I shouldn't have cheated on you. I want us to try again. Can we?" he asks.

"Kyo I don't know. Look I love you still but you still hurt me." you say looking out the window.

"I promise to not hurt you again. Just give me one more chance. Please?" 

"Kyo did you just say please. OMG! What happened?" You say causing Kyo to stare at you shocked.

"I just don't want to lose you again. I was an idiot. Just give me one more chance." Kyo says.

"Fine but if you cheat on me again I will make sure you go to jail. My Grandfather is a lawyer, he can throw you in jail. Do you understand?" you ask making him nod and then smile.


A/N: I will add the others later. Sorry for the slow update.

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