When he hits you :( Pt 1

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Ni yōkyū sa reta (Requested by) pockylife


You were at Hatori's place hanging out at his place secretively. Since you two are secretly dating. As you guys were hanging out, you were thirsty. You look at Hatori and smile. You then get up and walk to the kitchen to make some tea. When you got to the kitchen you filled the kettle up with water and put it on the stove to heat. You then grab the tea and the tea cup. But as you were trying to reach for the tea cup, you by accident hit one of the bowls and sent it flying to the ground causing Hatori to run in to the kitchen and see the shattered glass. You look at the glass pieces and then at Hatori, who was now angry. Hatori walked over to you and slapped you across the face. You look at him while tears begin to welled up in your eyes. You then run off causing Hatori to clean up the mess while still being angry. That was the first time you were ever hit by anyone including Hatori.

You frown as you watch Yuki and Kyo fight again. Kyo just thinks you two are friends now and not dating. But you and Yuki secretively are dating. As you watch them fight you sigh and stand up. You walk over to them and tap Yuki's shoulder.

"Please stop fighting you guys." you say as they don't listen.

You then try and grab Yuki only for him to throw Kyo outside. You look at him shocked and frowned. Yuki then slapped you across the face causing you to begin to cry. You run out of the house and head home to cry in your room. Yuki felt bad afterwards.

Ayame was trying to make a dress for a client as you as the model. As you were trying to stand still with him pinning the fabric to you, he kept by accidentally poking you with the pins. You kept moving every time a pin poked you. Ayame was beginning to get angry and so he stood up. He then slapped you hard across the face making you shocked. You quickly get out of the fabric and leave your boyfriend's shop causing Mine to scowl Ayame for hurting you.

You were sneaking up behind Ritsu trying to scare him when he yawned and stretched and hitting you by accident. Ritsu turned around after he thought he hit something and saw it was you. He began to scream I'm Sorry for 4 hours straight making you giggle in the process.

Kyo was on the roof pissed off at Yuki. So when you walked on to the roof to find Kyo and calm him down. He then punched you while you tried to help out. You then run off completely scared of Kyo now. Kyo never would hurt you until now.

You noticed Haru wasn't himself, you saw black Haru instead. When black Haru comes out, it scares you because you think he's gonna hurt but instead he is just a pervert towards you instead. But today was different, Haru tried to take off your clothes. You kept pushing him away and slapped him across the face. Haru looked at you pissed and he Hit you by the eye causing you to cry. You run home and cried in your room all night.

You and Momiji were hanging out chilling and eating candy. As you guys were eating the candy, you noticed one piece left. Momiji said he would be right back since he had to go to the washroom. After a few minutes, Momiji came back and saw that the last piece of candy completely one. Momiji looks at you and hits you. You look at him shocked and frowned. You quickly got up and walked away with a single tear falling down your face.

Akito usually hits you, so you got use to it.

You were reading one of Shigure's new books. As soon as you finished reading it, you went to put it back on the shelf but only for the shelf to fall. You frowned when you tried to clean up. Shigure walked in and saw. You stood up and look at him with a frown. Shigure then slapped you causing you to go into shock. You quickly run off not happy about what Shigure did.  

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