When he gets his wisdom teeth out

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Requested by CodilynLunn


You were at the Dentist with Hatori because his wisdom teeth began ware out his other teeth. You sigh as you look at his in pain because his wisdom teeth also began to make the other teeth hurt.

"Hatori, why didn't you get your wisdom teeth pulled out as a Teen?" You ask curious causing Hatori to glare at you.

You smile but then frown.

"Sohma, Hatori?" The Dentist said and Hatori stood up.

You watched him walk into the room and watched the Dentist close the door.

***50 minutes later***

You see the Dentist open the door and Hatori walks out. You smile and watched Hatori walk over to you. You guys walked out of the Dentist and Hatori held his hand to his cheek while frowning. You begin to giggle a bit as you see him in pain a bit. Hatori must have heard you because the next thing you knew he was glaring at you. Hatori did not like his wisdom teeth being pulled out.

You were trying to get Kyo to leave Yuki alone since you remembered Yuki had went to the dentist yesterday only for his wisdom teeth pulled out. So right now Yuki was in pain. You watch Yuki stand up and kick Kyo. Making Kyo go flying. You sigh and just look at Kyo when he hit the tree. You sometimes wished Kyo and Yuki would get along at least once in their lives. You walk over to Yuki as he put his hand on his cheek from the discomfort. You sigh and kiss his cheek before leaving.

You were waiting in the Dentist waiting area as Ayame was in the room getting his wisdom teeth pulled out. As you wait, you begin to read a magazine with interesting designs. You smile as you keep waiting for Ayame.

***Meanwhile with Ayame***

Ayame sat in the chair and had his mouth open. He watched the Dentist carefully until the Dentist began to yank each wisdom tooth to get out. As soon as the dentist was done pulling the wisdom teeth out. Ayame shook the dentist's hand and then left the room to go see you.

***In the Waiting room***

You continued to read your magazine when you felt someone's eyes on you. You look up and see Ayame across from you making you smile. He walked over to you. Then you guys then left the dentist while Ayame's mouth felt uncomfortable.

You frown as you listen to Ritsu complain from the pain. You knew he got his wisdom teeth taken out two hours ago but man you didn't expect him to complain a lot. You walk over to him and try to calm him down but he wouldn't. You just shake your head and kiss his cheek before leaving to go home. You didn't want to deal with Ritsu complain about the pain and discomfort in his mouth.

You frown as you try to get Kyo to go to the dentist. Kyo looked at you and frowned as you begin to glare at him. You then grab him by the ear and begin to drag him to the Dentist Office. As soon as you guys got to the dentist, you told the receptionist that your friend Kyo had an appointment. She nodded her head at you and you and Kyo went to sit down. As you both sat down you grabbed a magazine and began to read it. The dentist soon walked out and called for Kyo. Kyo stood up with a sigh and followed the dentist into the room. You smirk as you know Kyo is going to be mad at you later.

***45 minutes later***

Kyo soon walked out with an annoyed and painful expression on his face. You walk over to him and you both leave. Kyo kept glaring at you as he walked you home in silence. You just smiled because Kyo hated that he had his wisdom teeth taken out.

You were in the dentist office waiting for Haru to get out of the dentist room. As you wait, you found a coloring book and some crayons and begin to color. You smile as you colored a dragon and the four elements.

***34 minutes later***

As you were coloring, you hear the dentist room door open, so you decide to look up. You saw Haru. You quickly smiled when he walked over to you. You stood up and you both left. As you guys were walking to your place, you saw him put his hand on his cheek in pain. You frowned.

"Getting your wisdom teeth pulled out looks now painful." You say causing to nod.

You nod back and you both continue to walk in silence.

You were with Momiji at the dentist waiting for him to get called in. Momiji wasn't that happy to lose his wisdom teeth. You look over at him and smile. You then see the dentist come of the room and call for Momiji. Momiji frowned and grabbed your hand. You went with and watch the dentist pull them out. Your eyes go wide as you see your Momiji in as he was getting his wisdom teeth out. As soon as the dentist stopped you frowned at Momiji who now is in pain. You guys leave the dentist and you hope you never have to go through that pain that Momiji went through. You bought him, his favorite candy and drink making him smile at you.

You pulled Akito's wisdom teeth out for him because he refused to go the dentist. So you know how painful it is to get them pulled out and taking them out of someone else's mouth.

You learned that Shigure got his wisdom teeth pulled out 4 years ago when he was 23. So you didn't have to worry to see him in pain. Which made you smile a lot.  

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