Seeing each other once again

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You were walking around the store, looking for something to eat when you ran into someone. You look at them and you thought you recognized them but when they looked at you, you didn't even know the guy. You sigh and then walk off. You go and grab some (Favorite flavor) Soup. You then head to the cashier only to be standing behind the guy, you thought you knew. You look in his basket and see medication for depression. You then see your favorite magazine. So you grab it and begin to read it. Hatori noticed you were behind him and he frowns. He quickly pays for all his items and then leaves the store.

Hatori then gets into his car and drives home. He frowned and a tear secretly left his eye. He wished he didn't have to see you this early.

You were at school talking to your best friend, (Y/bff/N). As you both were talking, you saw Tohru chatting with a guy with Greyish Purple hair. You look at the guy and you begin to look confused like you know that guy from somewhere. Tohru then Yuki and your friend went to go talk to Tohru. Yuki began to walk down the hallway and he noticed you. You walk up to him and look at him.

"Do I know you? Cause you look familiar." you say making him look at you worried.

"Sorry miss. But I don't think that we do. Sorry but I have to go." he says and then walks off.

Yuki looks at his hands as he walks away trying not to look back at you. He definitely misses you.

You were walking around japan listening to music. As you were listening to music and walking, you saw a nice looking costume/dress shop. You walk in and see a man with long light grey hair. You look at him and he looks so familiar to you. You begin to walk around the shop and pick out a beautiful (f/c) laced dress that was your size. You go to the counter to buy it and see the man you saw when you walked in. Ayame looked at you and then called over Mine. Mine helped you making you smile and thank her. You then left the shop and tried to remember who that guy was. Meanwhile Ayame was in the backroom sighing and looking at designs he thought you would've liked to wear. He missed having you around.

You were at the park with your niece babysitting. You were pushing her on the swing when you saw long light brown hair. You look at him and start to wonder where you have seen him before. Ritsu noticed you staring and got scared. He ran off screaming I'm sorry making everyone look at him so confused. Ritsu was so scared that you would remember him and that you would hate him but he did miss you.

You were on the roof writing in your journal about you being sad for no reason. As you kept writing, you heard someone mutter something when they opened the door. As soon as the person walked out, you noticed they had orange hair like a carrot. You look at them and they look back a bit shocked. Kyo looks at you and frowns. He then leaves making you awfully confused. You then continue to write. Meanwhile Kyo is now punching a tree because he didn't think he would see you this early.

You were with your friend, (y/bff/n), about this sushi place your friend went to. As you both were talking you saw Momiji hanging out with someone with mainly white hair with black roots. You stare at the guy with the cool looking hair and begin to feel like you know him from somewhere but you can't remember where. Haru looks at you and then begins to walk away. Momiji followed him woth a frown. Haru totally missed ya.

You were hanging out at the park swinging on the swings when you saw a guy with blonde hair. You look at him and begin to wonder where the hell have you seen him before. Momiji notices you staring and frowns. He then runs off to see Hatori and talk to him. Momiji misses you but at last he had to stay away from you, so you couldn't remember him.

You were helping Hatori out with Patients. As you were walking to one of the patients houses, you saw someone with short black hair wearing a kimono looking outside. You stare at him and he notices you staring. He frowns and leaves the window. You look at the window confused and then head to the patients house you were heading to before you saw him. Akito frowns and looks at Hatori. Akito so missed you without you even knowing.

You were at your friend, Mayuko's family book store helping out. As you were helping, the door opened and you saw a guy with black hair wearing an Kimono. You look at him like you knew him from somewhere but you can't remember. He looks at you and frowns. He quickly hands something to Mayuko as soon as she walked up to him and then left. You just shrug and continue doing what you were doing. As soon as Shigure got out of the book shop, he sighed. Shigure really wished that he didn't have to see you this early since he missed you a lot.  

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