When he gets Jealous/Hanging Out 0.0

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(B/F/N)~Best Friend Name
(F/M)~Favorite Movie

You were hanging out with your best friend, (B/F/N), at a small café called Stella-luna. As you guys were chatting about your jobs, you get a text message. You look at your phone a bit confused and then check it. As soon as you checked your phone, you noticed it was a text from Hatori.

***Text messages between you and Hatori***
Hatori: What are you doing tomorrow?

Y/N: I have plans with my friend, (B/F/N).

Hatori: Cancel it. I need your help tomorrow.

Y/N: But... Me and (B/F/N) were going to go to see (F/M) and then we were gonna go to this concert afterwards. I can't just cancel it. I'm sorry but I can't help you tomorrow. How about Sunday?

Hatori: Just cancel it! I mean it.

Y/N: *Sighs* FINE!

Hatori: Good. See you tomorrow.
***End of text messages***

You then sigh and look at your friend. She/He looks at you confused.

"Hey I have to cancel for tomorrow. I have to go help Hatori out." you say with an apologetic face.

"It's alright. We can go next weekend." Your friend said making you smile.

***Next Day***

You were heading to Hatori's house yawing. As soon as you get there. You get out of the car and go and knock on the door. The door opened to reveal a boy with blonde hair. He looked so cute. You smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Hello. Is Hatori around?" you ask.

"Ja." he says making you smile.

"I see your part German. Interesting. Wie geht es dir? Und wo ist Hatori ?" you say making the boy smile.

"I'm fine and Hatori is in the kitchen. Follow me please. Also I'm Momiji." he says smiling.

"(Y/N)." you say as you followed him into the kitchen.

As soon as you guys were completely the kitchen, you see a man with shortish long black hair and a man with beautiful long white hair. You smiled.

"It's not everyday that we get to meet such a beautiful lady." the guy with the shortish long black hair said.

"Um...ok. Who are you? And my name is (Y/N)." you say smiling at them.

"This is Ayame and I'm Shigure." he says smirking.

You look confused until you felt a arm wrap around your waist. You look up to see Hatori. You smiled as you realized that Hatori was jealous for nothing.

You were heading home until Yuki grabbed your hand. You look at him confused.

"Sorry. I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow?" He asks making you nod your head yes.

"Sure why not." you say.

"Great see you tomorrow." he said as he went back over to Tohru.

You sighed and continued home.

***Next Day!!!***

You wake up the next morning and got dressed. You then went out to a restaurant to go get something to eat. As soon as you get to the restaurant, you see Yuki standing there. You walk up to him confused. He looked at you and smiled.

"Yuki what are you doing here?" You ask confused.

"Great your here. Let's get something to eat. Alright Miss (L/N)." He said.

"Ok." You say smiling.

You guys walk in and sit in one the booths together. A waiter handed them menu's. But as Yuki looked at the waiter, he noticed that the waiter was staring at (Y/N). Yuki began to feel angry all of a sudden. You look at the waiter and smile.

"Um...Can I please have a glass a milk?" You ask sweetly making the smile and look at you with lust.

"Anything for you sir?" He asks as he keeps staring at you.

"Yeah why not you stop staring at her. She's taken." Yuki says angrily.

The waiter looked at Yuki and gulped.

"Sorry." He said as he looked at Yuki scared.

"And I would like a glass milk too please?" He says making the waiter nod.

The waiter ran off to get the drinks.

"Yuki?" You say as he looked at you.

"Are you alright? Cause it looked like someone was jealous." You say making him blush.

"Sorry Miss (L/N)." he says making you giggle.

"Your cute." You say as you continue to giggle.

You were watching T.V at home until your phone began to ring. You pick up your phone and answer.

***The call between you and Ayame***
Y/N: Hello?

Ayame: Hey (Y/N). It's Ayame. I was wondering if you wanted to see the new movie (F/M).

Y/N: sure. Why not. See you tomorrow.

Ayame: See you....
***End of the call between you and Ayame***

You hang up the phone before he could finish and you headed to bed.

***Next Night***

You walk over to Ayame's shop and look around happily. As soon as you get to his store, you walk in smiling. You look around the shop until you felt someone grab your hand. You look at where the person was and you saw your ex-boyfriend, Charlie.

"Hello Charlie. What are you doing here?" you ask confused.

"I thought we could hang out and maybe get back together." Charlie says smirking at the last part.

"Actually I have plans. Maybe we can hang out tomorrow. And Plus I don't want us to get back together. I'm sorry." You say making Charlie sigh.

As you talk to Charlie, you felt a arm wrap around your waist making you confused. You look and see Ayame. You sigh and smile. Charlie looked at the guy and then at you. You shrug making Charlie nod and then leave. You then giggled and kissed Ayame's cheek even though he was jealous.

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