Chapter 2

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The first thing I see when I open my eyes is a starless, dark sky. There was no clouds, no moon, just a pure black sky with nothing in it.

The feeling of something cool and crisp bleeding into my shirt from behind startles me. Realizing I was flat on my back, I sit up and look around. The bodies of my friends stir next to me as they arrive in the game.

"Well this is strange," I hear Felix mutter as he stands up. "No battle armor, no weapons, but I'm still a healer." I glance around for my role.

"My role is different," I reply, standing up, trying to get use to the casual red T-shirt and dark blue jeans that I was wearing. "I'm no longer a warrior but a... Skin-walker?" I peer at my role carefully. "Yup, a skin-walker."

"My role has been changed too," Bob says. "I am now officially a healer just like Felix." Wade sighs, still sitting on the ground.

"How come you two were the only ones who got your roles changed and no one else?"

"Yeaaa nope. I've been role changed too. I am now a vampire," Ken moves really fast to stand up. "And I kind of like it." Wade sighs again.

"Okay, so Felix and I were the only ones whose roles never changed." he stands up, looking around at the dark, shadowy path. "Does anyone know where we are?"

"No, Wade. We just started this game like you did." Felix retorts, rolling his eyes.

"Let's just walk forward considering it's the only path we can take right now," Ken suggests. We all nod in agreement and started walking down the dark, empty path.


After about ten minutes of walking, we all started to get pretty jumpy. Any sound that came from the shadows,we all jump.

"Remind me to kill Yamimash for creating this dark as hell game when we get back." Bob hisses.

"That makes two of us," I mutter. Something growls at us from the shadows. I stop dead in my tracks. "Please tell me I'm not the only one who heard that."

"No," Felix whispers. We all stand extremely still as the growling grows louder. I gulp as a pair of yellow eyes appear.

"M-maybe if we don't move, it will go away," Ken whispers. A snout appears.

"Ohmygod it's a werewolf," Wade whispers a little too loudly. It barks at us, saliva dripping from its muzzle as it moves closer.

"Ken, I hate to disappoint you, but it's not going away!" I yell as it lunges at us. Being defenseless the only thing we could do was cover our faces. A sharp yelp, followed by a thud makes me uncover my face. A figure stands in the corner over the werewolf's limp body.

"Don't you know," the figure says in an eerily familiar voice. "That it is very dangerous to wander the streets at night." When the figure was close, we all saw a white mask with a straight face covering everything on the face but the lips. Tufts of brown hair sticks up all over as the lips were curved into a warm smile.

"I told you we would meet again." Felix looks as if he was going to cry with happiness, for the person standing in front of us himself was none other than Cry.

Happy birthday PapaZombie!!!! For those of you who don't know I call my mother MamaZombie and my stepdad PapaZombie because you know I'm katzombiegirl so.... Anyways Happy Birthday PapaZombie, I love you bunches and bunches!! Xoxo

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