Chapter 5

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Ken was standing next to my bed with a worried expression.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I nod, clearing my throat.

"Yes, of course. Why wouldn't I be?" He sighs, scratching the back of his head.

"Well you were muttering really loud. You were also tossing and turning in your sleep. Not to mention you're crying." Surprised, I touch my face. I was crying.

I use the sleeve of my dark blue shirt to wipe the remaining tears.

"It's nothing." I said, throwing the covers off and standing up. Ken sighs as I walk around him to the door.

"It's about Jack, isn't it?" I froze. "You know known of us blame you for his death."

"I said it doesn't matter," I mutter, feeling the aching sadness building up in my chest.

"There was nothing you could do Mark. It-" I whirl around.

"Shut up! Just, shut up!" I yell, a little too loud. "I said it doesn't matter, so leave me alone!" I slam the door behind me.


I stare up at the sky. Dawn was slowly breaking over the horizon. I prop my chin on my knees, which were curled against my chest. I was sitting on the roof of the hotel. I don't remember how I exactly got up here but I am here now.

I watch in awe as the sun peeks out from behind a tall building in front of the hotel. Sunrises in games are nothing like real sunrises on Earth. They're more spectacular.

I watch as gray slowly paints across the open sky, mixing with reds and faint splotches of pink. I sigh feeling much peaceful than I have been all morning.

"There you are!" I jump a little turning my head to the right. Cry walks over. He was wearing a light gray hoodie with light blue jeans. "Ken said that you haven't came back to the room yet so we went out to look for you. Your friends seemed kind of freaked out, especially Ken." He sits down beside me. I sigh, still staring at the sky.

"Yeah," I said slowly but softly. "I kind of..."

"Yelled at him? Slammed the door last night before charging off?" Cry suggests, I nod.

"How'd you know about that?" Cry laughs.

"Well you didn't exactly make a quiet exit. And also Vinny told me some 'cute red haired boy stormed out of here.' You've got to mind what she says." Now it was my turn to laugh.

"Vinny is a girl?" Cry's lips frown.

"Yeah, why wouldn't she be?"

"I thought Vinny was a guy.." Cry shrugs.

"Nope. It's a girl, both of them are." I shake my head standing up.

"Jeez, this game and skeletons I swear."


I wandered around the small town a little bit. Some deformed lizard lady had offered me some weird looking potions. I declined politely, heading over to Alfino's Weapons.

"Welcome... Welcome!" A guy wearing a black cloak with the cowl covering his face shouts. I gulp looking at the assortment of weapons behind him, and their prices. "Can I help you with anything?"

"I-erm." As much as I wanted to get a sword but at the same time my eyes kept straying towards the weird looking pair of knives. They reminded me of angel wings with armor on them the way the blade was shaped. It curves just like wing feathers. The handle was a faint goldish color. Near the end of the handle and along the spine bits of red streaks were on top of the gold color. It was the weirdest pair of knives that I have ever seen. The shopkeeper must of noticed me staring at them. Because he picked the twin knives, handing them to me.

"Here, try them out!" My eyes widen.

"B-but I don't have any money," I stutter. He shakes his head.

"Just try them out and then we will talk." I grasp the handles, one in each hand. I tested their weight. Very light, the handle was very smooth. I smile, liking the feel of both weapons.

"Go on, test them out," he motions to a dummy next to a wall. I look at him in surprise.

"Are you serious?"

"Dead serious," I roll my eyes at the pun. What is up with this whole place using puns almost all the time?

I sigh, and take a deep breath. Anger suddenly surges through me as I sling one of the knives. Spinning back around, eyes close, I chuck the other knife.

A low whistle was all I heard. I open my eyes, looking at the cowled figure.

"Damn, son. You never told me you were a duine scath."

I look at him, very confused.

"A... What?"

"A shadow person," he said. I laugh nervously, shaking my head.

"I don't know what you mean. I'm not a shadowed person whatsoever." He shrugs.

"Maybe I just imagined the red eyes." he sighs. The blood drains from my face a little "You can have those for free. It's like they were made for you or something." I walk over to the dummy where both knives were lodged in the head.

"Thank you," I respond, tugging them out. But my mind wasn't on weapons anymore, it was focused on the words that the shopkeeper had said. Red eyes. And the only question that keeps going through my head, making me worry ten times worse:

Is Darkiplier still inside of me?

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