Under The Mistletoe

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This is a chapter completely irrelevant to the story. This was not the surprise chapter I was talking about.

My friend Septiplierish here thought that septiplier was going to happen in the last chapter. And long story short I thought she was going to rip my throat out for not including septiplier... So... Enjoy!!

Kay this not an update chapter is for you!!



(Jack's P.O.V.)

I sigh, walking up Mark's driveway with his neatly wrapped present in my hand. I was nervous. What if he didn't like his present? He probably wouldn't.

I swallow my pride a little and knock on his front door. The door swings open and I stare.

Mark's red hair was all messy, he looked tired and I wouldn't be surprise if he just woke up.

"Oh," he says in surprise. "Jack, what're you doing here?" I shake my head.

"Merry Christmas Marrk!" I shout thrusting my gift forward. He stands there surprised but eventually takes my gift.

"Why don't you come in?" He said while staring down at the wrapped gift. I bite my lip, moving by him to get into the house. My thoughts were going wild.

He didn't like the gift. I can't believe how stupid I am. He hasn't even open it and I can tell he is disappointed. I sigh sadly, following Mark into the kitchen. I swear I can't do anything right!

"What's wrong?" Mark asks, shoving my thoughts aside. I smile.

"Nothing is wrong Mark." I lie, staring down at the floor.

"Okay, well," he rubs the back of his neck. Now he was the one who seemed nervous. "I may or may not have forgotten that Christmas was today.." I burst out laughing.

"Are you serious?" I giggle while he looked at me as if he was hurt. "I flew all this way to give you your present in person and you just... Forgot about Christmas?"

"Hey, it's not funny! I seriously did forget about Christmas!"

"It's pretty funny to me especially since Christmas songs have been playing since September in the stores."

"Touché." He grabs my hand, causing heat to rise to my face. "Come on, I want to show you something!"

He leads me to the back door and swings it wide open, dragging us both through. Once he closed the door, he grabs my other hand. More heat rises to my face.

"So...um.. What did you want to show me?" I stutter. Mark smiles, letting go of one hand to point upwards. I look up and gasp. "You tricked me!"

"No I didn't" he laughs. "I really can't believe that you actually thought that I, of all people, would forget about Christmas?" I shake a little as his face was inches away from mine.

"Mark," I whisper softly, looking down.

"Sometimes," he mutters, gently pulling my chin up so I was looking him in the eyes. "You need to learn how be quiet for once.." It was the crappiest pick up line ever, but I didn't care. In that moment, our lips connected.

Sparks shoot through my entire body as I kiss Mark back with equal passion.

He lets go of my other wrist, and wraps his arms around me, bringing me closer, deepening our kiss.

My hands find their way to his hair, tangling their selves there. All took quickly did it end. Mark pulls back, panting slightly.

My face was flushed as he stared longingly into my eyes.

"More?" He whispers. A smile tugging on my lips.

"More," I reply. This time I kissed him.

It was the best Christmas I had ever had. Because as we stood there, melting in one another's embrace, a mistletoe hangs above us in all of its beauty.

And little did I know that I was going to be moving to L.A. soon.

There Kay, I did it! *screams* YOU PROUD OF MEEEEEHHHH. Also felt the need to make a reference x.x just saying. It's an obvious one... At least to me it was. 😂

Welp, until tomorrow guys!!

*hugs all of you*

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