2.7K 95 159

The moment.....

You have all been (probably not) waiting for...

.... LET'S GET THIS Q&A STARTED !!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!! *sets off mini fireworks*

Alrighty. To celebrate 1K on Let's Play A Game, you all wanted a Q&A session so heeereee it is!!

I tried to answer every single question you all left for me, but if I happen not to answer it by mistake, I'll go back and reply to it individually. Now don't think that this is the only time I will be answering questions. You guys are welcome to ask me anything, you should know that by now, so don't be shy!! :)

Drum roll pleaaaassseeeeee!!

The question is in bold, my answers are in italic.

What is your favorite color?
My favorite colors are green and black.

How did you come up with your name?
I'm assuming that you are talking about my username and not Kat. But I'll answer for both. Kat comes from my name Katelynn. As for the username, I wanted to create a name for myself. Give myself an identity that people will know me best by. Because before katzombiegirl I was AllTime-Fall-Out-Boy. Don't get me wrong there was nothing wrong with that username whatsoever but it just wasn't me.. It just wasn't who I am as a person. Some of my friends around school call me Kat that was part of it. The other part is you know those skeleton animals stuffed animal? They're called Skele something I forgot. But my mother gave me one of those and it's a tiny little kitty cat... Kind of reminded me of a zombie, so that's how I came up with katzombiegirl.

Cake or cookies?
*gasps* w-why are you making me choose? Whhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! Do I have to choose? Can I just combine them both to make a cookie cake? *starts daydreaming about a cookie cake* ooohhh that sounds sooooooooo good right now!!

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