Chapter 16

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Anti was right, it was as bad as it seemed to be. But that doesn't stop me from screaming and burying my face into his neck as if I was about to die.

It was like play dough when we fell through the waves, not even getting an ounce of water on our clothes.

Somehow I got separated from Anti in the fall, and landed hard on the cold, snowy ground. I groan, quickly gathering to my feet as the others land the same way I did.

"I think I broke my back.." Felix grumbles standing up. I take in my surroundings. White, white, more white with an extra twist of....white.

"Ugh," I mutter. "This is seriously making me hate the color white."

"Mark, are you still hurting?" I shake my head. "Shift please... I just have a funny feeling about this."

I did, wincing as the rough snow penetrates my paws a little. I sniff the air, instantly picking up a familiar scent. Jack. I wag my tail a bit, following the trail.


I sneeze, shaking my whole body as I continued to follow Jack's scent trail. My ears prick as someone sighs.

"Mark," Felix says. "Stop."

I stop dead in my tracks, swung around and stared at all of them.

"What are you following?" I whine, pawing the ground, too lazy to change back into human form. Anti cocks his head to the side.

"Danger?" I shake myself.

"Anything that can hurt us?" Again I shake myself.

"Jack?" Bob asks? I wag my tail, letting out a little yelp. All of their eyes lit up with sudden hope.

"You've been following Jack's trail this whole time?" Ken asks in amazement. Again, my tail wags. "Why didn't you say something?" I growl and shake my head. They laughed happily.

"What are you waiting for Mark?! Lead us!" I sniff the air, finding Jack's scent again and take off, with the others following right on my heels.


After about an hour of running, Jack's trail eventually ends at a small two story house. I prick my ears but no noise came from the house.

"Are you sure this is where it ends?" Anti whispers as I change back to human form.

"Yes, his trail end here so he has to be in the house." I pull out both of my knives and look through the open window.

"Bob, Cry and Felix, circle around back and make sure no one leaves." They nod, quickly leaving.

Ignoring the pounding in my head, I jump through the window, landing gracefully on my feet.

There was nothing in the house. No furniture, pictures, nothing. It was just an empty house, or saw I thought.

A scream pierces the air. I know that scream from anywhere. Jack.

Anti, who was right beside me, drops his septic guns and begins to gag. Wade and I both turn to him in surprise as he falls to his knees, blood littering the ground from his lips.

"Anti!" I shriek, not caring anymore who heard me. Anti waves me off.

"J-just go g...get Jack!" He gasps as he breaks into another round of a coughing fit. Wade grabs a septic gun and we both take off to where the screaming was taking place.


In a tiny little room, a chair sat built in to the floor. In that same chair, eyes closed, blood dripping out of the corner of his mouth was the person I know very well.

"Jack!" I cry rushing towards him. His eyes open causing me to retaliate. One of his eyes the sclera was a bright green, with a blue iris, the other eye was perfectly normal.

"Jack?" I whisper. My heart slowly breaking as I saw how badly he had been tortured. There wasn't one shred of skin that wasn't covered in either bruises or cuts. His wrists were slashed pretty deep by the rope that's binds him to the chair.

"Mark?" His voice nothing but a whisper as Wade begins to untie him from the chair.

I unhook the pendant from my neck, quickly placing it around Jack's. He shivers, the metal touching his skin and the ropes fell away. "You shouldn't have came to get me." My eyes fill up with tears.

"I would always come for you and you know that." The green in his sclera slowly fades away as the pendant starts to take effect.

"No Mark, I mean you shouldn't have came whatsoever."

"Why is that?" Wade asks as I gently pick Jack up.

"Because you fell for her bait." I frown staring at his bruised face.

"Who's bait?"

"Mine." A silky female voice growls. My blood runs cold as I catch a glimpse of golden hair wrapped tightly into a bun. "And now you all are going to die."

It was Prince Oakley's maid.

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