Chapter 7

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We all stare at Anti in pure shock, except for Cry. The first one to break the uncomfortable silence was Wade.

"But... Weren't you inside of Jack's head?" Anti sighs.

"Yes, I was. We can talk about that later." Anti looks troubled, glancing around everywhere. Cry steps forward.

"Anti, what's wrong?" Anti shakes his head and stares at Cry with cold green eyes.

"Nothing." He replies, slipping the cowl back over his face. "Just follow me and be on alert. I want to show you all something." Something stirs within my body, forcing me to shout.

"How can I trust you won't kill me you traitor!?" My hands flew towards my mouth. Anti turns on me.

"What did you say?" He hisses. My eyes widen. "You of all people should be grateful that my quick thinking saved your arse!" I shake my head.

"I-I'm sorry... I.. I don't know where that came from."

We all fell silent once more as we quietly followed Anti down the street. I stare down at the ground the entire time, shame burning my whole face.

Anti suddenly leaps on top of a roof, followed by Cry. The rest of us just stood down here, looking for ways to get up there.

"How the hell?" Ken mutters, walking pass Felix who just stood there, staring around like I was.

"Just jump," we look up to the roof. Cry's mask was all we would see peering down at us.

"What do you mean just jump?" Bob shouts. Something stirs in the shadows. Cry sighs.

"Jump or I will let the creatures in the shadows eat you!" Now everyone was terrified.

"If Jack was here," I whisper quietly. My friends all look at me. "He would say yolo bitches!!!" And then I leaped into the air.

Cry was right. All we had to do was jump. I land gracefully on the roof next to Cry. I walk towards where Anti was standing as the others arrive. He turns slightly, hearing my footsteps.

"Bout time you guys got up here." He mutters, leaping to the next roof. I gasp as he leaps. His cloak parts slightly revealing black skinny jeans, but also a small bit of a holster on his right hip. I smile seeing the black septic gun before leaping after him.


"Okay," Anti says over his shoulder to us as he kneeled by the roof's edge. "See that guy?" He points towards a guy wearing a dark blue shirt, dark pants. On top of his neatly groomed light blonde, almost white hair was a gold crown. We all nod.

"The Underworld's Prince? What about him?" Cry asks. Anti sighs.

"It's not the prince I'm concerned about, it's his maid." He says, pulling the cowl off of his head. "She has been acting really suspicious lately. I think she is hiding something." I look over at him.

"Then why not confront her?" I ask quietly turning back to the short lady wearing an old Victorian style dress, her gold hair in a neat bun.

"That's easier said than done here in the Underworld." Something moves over in the shadows behind us. I froze, losing complete control over my body as my hand reaches down, grabbing a knife handle pulling it out of its sheath and sling it behind me.

The blade of the knife sinks into something. A grunt was heard before a soft thump signalling whatever it was, was dead.

Everyone spins around as I shakily stand up, now in full control of my body.

"Mark, what are you doing?" Everyone gasps as I pull my now blood-covered knife out of the body which was covered in scales.

"Wha- Did you kill that thing?" Bob asks in surprise while Anti's green eyes narrow at me. I nod, sheathing my knife without bothering to clean it.

Anti opens his mouth, before he could question me, slithering noises were approaching us fast. "Crap. We've been spotted by a spy. Cry can you teleport us out of here?" We all watch as Cry frowns shaking his head.

"For some reason I can't teleport!" He whispers in panic. Anti stands up.

"They must've put a shield around the whole place when the spy signalled the alarm, making it to where no one can use magic to escape." Felix's eyes widen.

"They?! Who's they?!" Anti shakes his head.

"Don't worry about!" He growls as a huge lizard-like creature's head appears out of the shadows. Its yellow eyes piercing ours. Ken's face pales before Anti screams.


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