Chapter 8

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You'll understand why I posted this photo along with the chapter soon enough 😂 just don't worry about it XD

Hugs for everyone!

The lizard creature roars. We all duck as it swings its tail over our heads.

"Jump!" Anti yells, jumping down from the roof, with us following not to far behind. The lizard creature lets out another roar and swung its claws, striking me in my side.

My breath leaves my body as I fly several feet away from my friends, smacking into a broken statue that was sitting in the center of the street.

"Mark!" Wade yells, trying to run towards me. Cry yanks him back. I wince, sitting up. Yellow eyes glare at me as it raises its claw for another strike.

"We have to go," I hear Cry yell.

"What!?" A Swedish voice cries. "We aren't leaving Mark, no!"

"You have to!" Cry yells. I raise my arms, waiting for the blow. It howls in pain. I open my eyes, and stare in surprise.

Anti was standing in front of me. His cloak and septic guns were long gone. He stood in front of me in a black jacket with buckles towards the end of it. A regular belt was strapped around his waist, holding the black skinny jeans up. The black shirt that Jack would usually wear was ripped revealing Anti's stomach.

"God, I was hoping I didn't have to fight you!" He hisses at the lizard-creature. He opens his eyes and I gasp. They were no longer a bright green, instead they were a deep dark purple. "You've done pissed me off," he screams, leaping up into the air.

I stand up. The world spins and I stumble. The creature howls in more pain as Anti kicks it in the chest. He had so much force behind the kick that you could hear several ribs snap. The creature roars swinging at Anti, who easily dodges.

I wince at the pain in my sides as I limp away from the fight scene. It was then that I realize that Cry and the others were gone.

Cursing to myself, something drips down my side. I look down through blurred vision. The creature had sliced three profusely bleeding scratches into my side.

Clutching my bleeding side, I stagger around the corner of a building and slide down the wall, unable to go any further. My breathing was coming in short gasps as I watch my health bar slowly but steadily pass 50%.

"Mark?" Cry asks, running back alone. When he saw my condition, he screamed my name. I fought to keep my eyes open. One last howl, a huge thump as if a tree had fallen and taking out a couple of buildings signals that the fight was over.

"Anti!" Cry yells waving him over. My eyes droop down as my health passes 30%.

"What's going on?" he asks looking over at me, eyes still purple. His eyes widen as he saw the blood. "Shit! Can you still not teleport out?"

"No!" Cry cries. "It will take me too long to get down the street if I carry him and it will take twice as long took grab either Bob or Wade and run back." That was when I knew I was going to die.

"Are they still at the end of the street?" Cry nods. Anti bends over. My health was now 12%. My breathing becoming labored. "Mark, listen to me. When I pick you up, it going to hurt. So just try to ignore it." He bends down and picks me up, bridal style. "Mark, you need to hang on. Hang on for Jack, your friends!" He says while running really fast. Cry was behind him. "Hang on for me please! I made a promise to Jack, and I'm not about to break my promise!"

I wanted to ask him what promise to Jack? But I couldn't. As my health reaches 10% I let my eyes close completely. I knew I wasn't going to survive. I was going to die early in this game without ever seeing Jack again.

I'm sorry, Jack. Were the last words I thought before I succumbed to the darkness.

(Phil's P.O.V.) [Surprise!!]

"You bastard!" I scream, shooting out of my chair towards Yamimash. It was only him, Dan, and I in the room together, the police officer was outside of the door. I had watched Mark's screen fade completely to black and now I was pissed. "How dare you?!"

Yamimash laughs.

"I warned them. I warned them all. And now poor Mark is-" he was cut off as I backhand him across his face.

"Mark is dead because of you!" I scream, my eyes filling up with tears. He stares at me with wide, terrified eyes. God how I wanted to murder him! "And you! You have the audacity to sit in front of me and laugh?! You sick, cruel, son of a-" I raise my hand to hit him again. A gentle hands grasps my wrist firmly before I could hit him again.

"Phil," Dan's voice sounds in my ear, calming me down a bit. "Before you hit him, take a look at Ken's screen." I pull away from Dan and storm back over to the screen.

On the ground lays Mark. He was completely shirtless. Bob and Felix were kneeling beside them, both of the hands were glowing as they concentrated really hard on healing Mark.

The one who looks exactly like Jack was cradling Mark's head, stroking his hair and muttering soothing words every time Mark cried out in pain. His eyes were no longer a dark purple, but back to their normal shade of green. Wade and Ken were on guard in case anything else tried to attack them while they were healing their friend.

"His breathing is stabilized now," the guy, Antisepticeye, announces. Everyone sighs including me.

"And his health is climbing back up!" Felix adds. Again I sigh in relief.

"Mark's alive still!" I shouted happily. Dan smiles as tears well up in my eyes. I put my head on the table and cried happily.

Mark was still alive.

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