Chapter 4

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Hey guys,

I forgot to mention in the last chapter that Septiplierish was the one who gave me the idea for the Undertale reference. She presented the idea for something related to Undertale and that's when I knew I just had to include an Undertale reference since I'm using skeletons because why not XD. Anyways thank you Septiplierish for giving me the idea and now on to the chapter!! It's going to be kind of sad-ish. Figure I'd warn you.

Virtual hugs for everybody and thank you hug for Septiplierish,


I stare at the dark ceiling. Ken's soft snores breaking the silence in this room.

I was restless. How could I not be when Jack was out there somewhere in this game. I sigh, letting my eyes drift shut.

I can't help but let my thoughts get the best of me. I inhale deeply trying to calm down my racing thoughts, eventually falling asleep.


"Mark!" A familiar Irish voice laughs. I open my eyes and turn around. Jack stood in front of me, smiling.

"Jack?!" I yell happily. "Is that really you?" He laughs again. It was music to my ears.

"Of course it's me, ya big smelly! Who else would it be?" I hug him, smiling.

"Oh my god," I said, face buried into his shoulder. "I really thought I-" A choking noise cuts me off mid-sentence. I froze as I felt Jack struggling to get away. "Jack?" I pull back and let out a screech.

"JAACK!" I scream watching the blood pour out of his chest.

He backs up, blue eyes wide in terror as he holds both hands up to his profusely bleeding wound.

" hurt me." He whispers, backing up. I feel terror rise up in my chest.

"I would never hurt you Jack! You know that!" I try grabbing at his hand to show him that I would never harm him. He backs up.

"Jack, please!" I beg, tears threaten to fall from my eyes.

"Now you know what it's like!" A eerily familiar female voice whispers tauntingly in my ear. I felt all of the blood drain from my face as I blink.

Black eyes with green irises were all I could see. The surrounding slowly starts to turn black as the shadow spreads.

"Tick, tock. You could've saved him." The deep, dark Irish voice growls. Tears roll down my face.

"I tried!" I cried. The voice chuckles.

"Not hard enough apparently if he is dead."

I sob out Jack's name as the shadow devours the rest of the soothing surrounding.

"You are truly pathetic!" The voice laughs as more tears roll down my face.

"S-shut up!" I whimper out. I'm scared to get close to the pair of eyes but at the same time I hate feeling alone in this environment.

"Can't you hear the silence? His last words were 'why mark?'" I place my hands over my face.

"Stop it!" I yell, trying to stabilize my breathing. The voice grew silent so I look up. The surrounding was still black.

"Pathetic!" A voice yells, causing me to jump.



"You killed him." I cover my head as sobs wracked throughout my body.

"You could have saved him!" I place my hands over my ears, trying to block out the voices.


"You could've stopped her from stabbing him!" I sob harder, the tears not stopping anytime soon.


"You should just go die! How can you live with yourself? Filthy!"

"Mark! Wake up!" Everything disappears as I gasp and jolt upright in my bed.

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