Chapter 21

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What felt like ages later, the basement door opens.

"Oh Maaaaaaaarrrrk~" I shiver at the menace laced in her voice. "Guess what time it is~"

So much for the others finding you before this happened. Dark says sadly. I roll my eyes.

I have faith. They'll get here eventually. I wince as the table I'm on starts to move. This thing has wheels?

"Wait, why Mark? Why not me?" I hear Cry shouts. The maid just laughs, wheeling me away.

He tried.

He did. I'm thankful for Cry at least trying.

A bang sounds by the front door. She freezes.

"Little bitch, little bitch, come out where ever you are!" Anti? Dark and I suddenly got really excited. But it quickly faded away when she pushes me into a small room.

"Utter one word and I will kill them." I smile as a small bit of bravery washes over me.

"JACK!" I scream. The maid lets out a hiss, raking her claws across my face.

"You stupid son of a-" someone walks out of the shadows holding a familiar gun.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The voice with a Irish accent growls. I nearly cry happy tears. Jack had heard me. The maid stares down at me in shock.

"How could you hear him? This walls are.."

"Sound proof?" He smirks. Jack honestly looks terrifying. "I don't think so." He pulls the trigger and her body crumples into a heap on the ground.

"Jack!" I cry happily as he works on the chains. After the chains were off, he hugs me.

"I thought we were going to be too late!! I saw your knives in the snow and.. And!" He cries.

"Jackaboy!" I put my arms around him. "Don't cry! I'm fine!"

The others arrived shortly in the room, panting.

"That doll thing was so creepy!" Felix pants. I pull away from Jack.

"Cry!" I suddenly blurted out, running pass them.

"Cry? What do you mean Cry? He is dead Mark!" Felix's weak voice says.

"No he is not!" the others follow me into the basement.

"What do you mean he isn't... OH MY GOD CRY?!" Felix runs pass all of us, pushing me out of the way. Cry looks up just now noticing us.

"Felix, I-" we stare in amazement as Felix yanks the chains out of the wall, not even caring about his hands getting cut.

"You're alive!!" Felix yells, hugging him. "I thought you were dead. Dead!" He cries, burying his face in Cry's shirt.

"Felix, don't cry..." I turn away from their reunion feeling tears come to my own eyes.

Don't think about it too much Mark. I heard Dark say as I walk out of the room.

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