In a galaxy far far away...

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[Above Coruscant{

3 years later

In space above Coruscant, a war was raging. At every turn ships battled out. The clones flying side by side each other, accompanied by two Jedi that made this battle seem more like a game.

The two Jedi generals flew around each other looking for their main reason for being up here, while having a few laughs along the way. After dodging a few more enemy ships, it was then that they say their target.

"Master, General Grievous's ship is directly ahead, the one crawling with vulture droids." General Anakin Skywalker spoke through his comm controlling his fighter in space trying to avoid oncoming enemy shots to his ship.

The Jedi looked forward to then see a large ship covered with small, yellow multi legged droids walking along the ship. The droids were looking for their next targets. The droids would sit there waiting for oncoming ships to speed near, then they would connect to said ships and destroy all in their paths.

"Oh, I see it. Oh yeah,this is gonna be easy." Obi-Wan's sarcastic voice spoke up following Anakin's yellow ship throughout space. Obi-Wan hated flying in space, especially behind Anakin who was always reckless, and to see the incoming enemies were anything other than comforting.

"Incoming enemies!" Anakin pulled back on his controls, suddenly spinning, hoping that Obi-Wan would do the same thing. The two Jedi then avoided the oncoming shots before leveling back now flying a tad bit slower.

Still while the two were controlling their ships in space even though the enemies were at bay for the moment, they both seemed on edge. They were trying to figure out a way to infiltrate the ship in front of them, but nothing was coming to mind as a sudden chill went through Obi-Wan, causing the hair to stand up on his arm's in fear.

"Anakin while we are on the subject of incoming difficult situations, what is Amara  going to think about us going on this mission without her." Obi-Wan wondered his eyes looking over towards the yellow speeder.

It was such an urgent mission, they weren't able to wait for Amara to arrive back on Coruscant. But now that they were getting closer to General Grievous's ship, it just dawned on them what they had done. Anakin's eyes widened, realizing what Obi-Wan had just said.

"Right...I hadn't thought that far ahead yet, but what I do know is that she's going to definitely kill us when she finds out..." Anakin nervously said thinking of the young Jedi who turned out to be more like her brother everyday, especially when it came to adventure. She didn't want to miss anything. She wanted to be there for it all, and they decided to leave her behind.

"We should have just waited and told her." Obi-Wan grimaced thinking about the young Jedi yelling at them, like she did the last time they did such treacherous thing, by simply leaving her behind to get a head start.

"How would we have done that...look if you don't think about it too much, the time of death, seems to take longer to come, trust me..." Anakin sighed. Amara had been with Master Plo, and with the urgency of this mission, Anakin didn't have any way to contact her and tell her they were heading out.


[Somewhere on Coruscant]

Elsewhere Amara had just returned from another Jedi mission in the morning with her Master, Plo Koon. Her and her Master had grown very close in these past three years.

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