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Amara was sitting quietly in her room, staring at the wall before her. She hadn't moved from that spot in who knows how long. She was on the floor just trying to piece everything together, remembering how just a few days ago everything was right in the galaxy.

Light shined throughout her room gaining her attention soon. Looking over to the window nearest to her she began to notice the sun was soon setting. As she sat there watching the occurrence she remembered watching the sunset back home on Tatooine.

Back then when she was younger, she wasn't alone, but instead with both her mother and Anakin. She remembered sitting on her mother's lap, and the happiness that was shared between them. Even as slaves, when they struggled to survive, the time we spent together as a family made all the difference.

He couldn't have turned to the dark side. There's no way. But could it be slightly possible? Could Anakin really have done all of those things without a conscience. Did he really take his lightsaber, and kill those innocents.

Amara's mind continued to roam remembering that she was no longer in the past, but instead the present.

She couldn't think about it much longer. It hurt to much to even decide if it was the truth or not. Her head rose towards her door soon when she sensed someone coming near.

"Amara can I come in?" She heard the faint whisper of Padmé's voice outside speaking to her. Amara could sense her worry, which make her feel even worse. Padmé was meant to have a baby with him, but what if he was killed before it was possible.

Amara could only imagine what was going through Padmé's mind.

"Sure." Amara's scratchy voice was just loud enough for her to hear. The door slowly opened to reveal Padmè's face peaking inside.

Padmé quietly stepped all the way in staring at the young girl with pleading eyes. She slowly walked over to her now leaning down to take her seat on the ground next to me slowly being mindful of her baby.

Her dress highlighted her figure, and Amara could only stare at the growing baby numb. Reaching over without hesitation, her hand rested on Padmé's stomach feeling the life that moved within her. It calmed her.

"Amara are you-" Padmé tried to touch Amara's spare hand that rested on the floor.
The young Jedi didn't move but instead let the hand relax upon her own. The two women's eyes met right after, cutting Padmé's words off. She already knew the answer to the question she was going to ask.

"No, I'm not okay...Nothing about this is okay. Rita is probably dead. I just had Obi-Wan come to this home and announce that my brother h-has turned to the dark side, and that when he finds him, he will kill him." Amara became tense remembering everything she said, seeing the flashbacks in her head.

"Amara I don't believe that." Padmé shook her head many times. She then reached over to grab both of Amara's hands.

"Padmé I don't wanna believe it, but Anakin has killed before, and he's given in to the chancellors seduction and now I don't know what to do. Rita, she was my best friend. She was strong and she wouldn't die. My only option is to believe that she doesn't want to speak to me. She probably had heard things about Anakin and is afraid. She left me alone! She abandoned me! Everyone always leaves me it's not fair!" Amara looked back up to the outside city. Her hand then slipped out of Padmé's to grip the necklace Boba gave her.

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