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[Cato Neimoidia]

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[Cato Neimoidia]

After a while of taking a needed rest to make sure the young Jedi really was okay, the troopers, Master Plo and Amara herself all readied and entered their cruisers about to take off.

"This is gonna be simple and easy, we are only patrolling the area. Engage if the threat is high on the radar. Try not to make it too hard on yourselves soldiers." Amara spoke giving words of encouragement to her troopers, and feeling much better as she did so. A darkness still loomed in the back of her head that she couldn't shake away. But she had a job to do.  She knew she would just have to discuss it with the Jedi masters back at the council when this was over.

"You don't seem to have a lot of faith in us." A trooper said getting other troopers to join in the laughter as they all put their gear on. Amara laughed out at them, she couldn't believe they said such a thing.

"What are you talking about solider?! I have more faith in you than you know...so don't let me down." She told her troopers. Once she spoke she saw that Master Plo was ready to enter the sky. Before she entered though she secured her head piece on so she wouldn't have to continue to press a button to talk to her team in the sky.

Once she was all set she then watched as all the lights in her cruiser lit up as she soon felt herself hovering in the sky above. She positioned her speaker near her mouth so all the surrounding members could hear her when she spoke.

"Ready when you are master." She said looking forward to see his cruiser in the sky moving towards where the civilians would be. She picked up the pace following his lead as her cruiser raised in the sky as well, being supported by the troopers behind her.

"Stay on me, alright Amara?" He spoke through his head piece. His voice was stern. Once he knew the mission had begun, he wanted no mess ups.

"Yes Master. You all heard him, stay on his lead. No breaking off unless engaged." Amara continued to speak to the troopers behind her as they all flew in formation.



Darth Vader was accompanied by his new master, Palpatine. The two walked around the room slowly now thinking about what their next plan of action would be now that they had killed some of the Jedi.

"When the rest of the Jedi learn what has transpired here, they will kill us both, along with all the senators. Not to mention Amara will be harmed seeing as she is close to you, they will think she had something to do with it." Palpatine said to his new apprentice setting his hood upon his head. Still he continued to play with Anakin's mind.

"I agree. The councils next move will be against the senate, and all they believe to be against them." Vader agreed with his Master thinking about both Padmè and Amara. He could only think of the harm his sister would endure if he didn't do something.

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